Warm Wishes Pleasent Pragya

Pleasent Splendid Pragya Singh


In our Fraternal Friendship, 
Merriness Memories are
 Regard Reminisces for 
Blissful Blooming of 
Life Liveness.
Even though we talk very little, 
the energy in those times is 
thriving transcendentally.

Pragya You are my ...
Aesthetic Admiration
Eternal Emotion
Innate Insight 
Overwhelming Occurrence
Understanding Unconditional's

Pleasant Warm Blissful Blossom Birthday Wishes Pragya 
Hope Happiness Hails in Heart
God Bless you with Grand Bliss.

Every time I use to feel you as my sisterly friend, and sometimes I feel you like my own sister only. I saw you as like, my sisterly friend. I feel, till now I moved with you very closely (openly) with a fraternal kind of relation only. 
I feel proud when you ask me for help because that makes me see myself as a candlelight in darkness, when you need help, I feel, it’s a kind of pleasure for me. But I don’t know how this candlelight is behaving with you.

I got some amazing experiences from you with/from your smile, discussions, small journeys, sharing thoughts, giving gifts, etc.{Classroom discussions in CCG class, Placement week discussions, Pahal club discussions, Small journey, etc. {Journey to Construction workers site, D-mart, Sahas-NGO visit, Lal-bagh trip, Morning walk, etc.;

 “I think, I feel very happy to think/feel about memories with you”
{I don’t want to say, I miss you to you, because I feel, you will be there in memories. I don’t want to miss those memories}

I am also feeling honored after seeing your responses toward me. Here I am putting only one of the written responses written by you, which I liked most.   

It's really Honorable for me that you give this kind of value to my msg.
Your friendship is really valuable to me, there is a big role of yours to make my APU's journey so joyful and memorable. once again belated Happy Birthday, May god fulfill your all holy wishes and dreams and get you a happy, long, loving, and joyful life.
Always smile, doesn't matter what's going on, no need to find out any reason for being happy.

Best wishes..

Energy Enjoy Entity 
అమృత అనంద అస్తిత్వం
At one Step, near the ocean, Even though it's fully not visible, that point in a scope, will be broad. Like that, these "PRAGYA" characteristics in the image will be applicable to you Pragya Singh. Feeling & Reminding these "PRAGYA" characteristics of you.

Blissful Blossom Birthday 
Warm Wishes to you Pleasent Pragya

Hope Hype Happiness Hails in Heart.
Enjoy your Energy.



  1. Naga... I can never leave thinking and mentioning about you, whenever I think about my APU life... It's amazing bond we share without meeting eachother from the last 4 years. Thanks for this beautiful message... Be blessed be happy and keep standing for your values and principles as you always do. 🤗🤗

  2. నాగా... నేను నా APU జీవితం గురించి ఆలోచించినప్పుడల్లా నీ గురించి ఆలోచించడం మరియు ప్రస్తావించడం వదలలేను... మనం గత 4 సంవత్సరాలుగా ఒకరినొకరు కలవకుండానే పంచుకుంటున్న అద్భుతమైన బంధం ఇది.
    ఈ అందమైన సందేశానికి ధన్యవాదాలు... సంతోషంగా ఉండు మరియు ఎప్పటిలాగే నీ విలువలు మరియు సూత్రాల కోసం నిలబడి ఉండు. 🤗🤗


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