“Freedom Movement in India”

 “Freedom Movement in India”

The Impact of Alien cultures & countries on India by Colonialism:-

When Alien rulers came to India Cultural unity & Bhakti Movement was started.

Conquest of India by British & Impact of British rule. 

In 16th century Portugal, Dutch, French & English have established their trading ports in India. (One followed another came to India because of trading).

After the Battle of Plassey (1757) East India Company was started ruling in India. During this time Sati was prohibited by Lord William Bentik with the support of some social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Impact of English Education, alien rule& other reasons after 100 years in 1857 1st war of Independence was happened.  But it was controlled by them. After this finally British only directly came to India & Started ruling.

Freedom Movement:-

Our Indian Freedom Movement was divided in 3 phases =1) Moderate Phase 2) Extremist Phase 3) Gandhian Phase.

1) Moderate Phase (మితవాద):- 1885-1905

During this Moderate Phase, the national leaders adopted methods such as holding meetings, passing resolutions, sending petitions, & expressing protest. The prominent leaders of this phase is Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Bala Gangadhar Tilak, DadabhaiNaoroji, W.C.Benarjee and others

1893:- Bala Gangadhar Tilak- Ganesh Festivals, Annie Besant Came to India

1897:- Prohibition of foreign goods by Tilak (1st person who arrested in name of raja droham)

Dadabhainaoroji is the 1st person to enter into British Parliament& named Indian national council as Indian National Congress. (Old Man of India)

Gadicharla Hari Sarvothama Rao (Andhra Tilak) who named Rayalaseema& 1st person to go to jail from Andhra Region.

Annie Besant successor is Jiddu Krishna Murthy.

2) Extremist Phase (అతివాద):-1905-1919

Several Factors contributed to the Raise of extremist politics during the National movement in India. They are 1) Failure of Moderate Methods of agitation, 2) Repressive policies of the British, 3) The Need for involvement of masses, 4) Growth of Self-Respect among Indians, 5) Partition of Bengal & etc. are the reasons for raise of Extremist phase. The Main objective of this phase is Swaraj or Independence. Main Leaders are Lala Lajipati Rai, Bala Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra pal {Lal, Bal, Pal}, Aurobindo ghosh& etc.

1905:- Swadeshi Movement by Bala Gangadhar Tilak

1905:- Partition of Bengal was proposed by Curzon & Vandemataram movement (Bakeem Chandra Chatterjee- Anand math)

1906:- Muslim league party by saleemulla.

1911:- Capital change from Kolkata to Delhi.

1916:- Home rule movement (Oct). From Pune Tilak, From Chennai Annie Besant.

Gandhian Phase: - (గాంధీ యుగం):- 1919-1947

Mahatma Gandhi from 1893 to 1914 he engaged himself in heroic struggle against racist authorities in South Africa. It was during his long struggle lasting for two decades that he evolved the technique of Satyagraha based on truth and non-violence. He returned to India on 1915 Jan at the age of 46.  In 1916 he founded Sabarmati Ashram. He is 1st whole nation leader (Before all leaders are regional based)

1917:- ChamparanSathyagraha in Bihar (Rajandra Prasad became follower of Gandhi).

1919:- Rowlatt Act &JallianwalaBagh (1919), Khilafat Movement (Turkey &Britan)

1920:- Non co-operation Movement (31-8-1920 to 11-2-1922)

1921:- ChiralaParala movement (Regarding Tax) by Duggirala Gopala Krishnaiyya

1922 & 23:- Swaraj Party by chittaranjan Das &Mothilal Nehru.

1927:- Simon commission (Feb 3rd they reached Mumbai) Punjab-Lala Lajipati rai, Madras- PrakasmPantulu

1930 to 1932:- Civil Disobedience Movement or Salt-Satyagraha{Salt-Satyagraha was started (12-3-1930 to 5-4-1930 total 241 miles)}.Nehru gave speech on Swaraj on Jan 26h. Apuufsulla khan 1st Muslim Indian hanged.

1935:- Indian Government Act

1942:- Quiet India Movement (8-8-1942). Aruna Asif Ali khan was the leader, when all are in jail.

1942:- Indian National Army.

1947:- India got Independence.


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