The Reflection Report on Kutir Visits (2018)


Self-Note in Parivaar Educational Society

By putting trust in the life process, as a complete medium, I entered into the organization to do something for the organization through the domain of Education and also to make myself happy.

With some extrinsic support I came to this “Parivaar Education Society”, by keeping some clear intrinsic purpose,  that intrinsic purpose is to change myself, to change my near society (at least some level), by that I can live life peacefully.

{{Extrinsic Motivation: Parents' acceptance, Nature of work, Salary, assurance for my safety from the organization.}}

{{Intrinsic Motivation: Deeply interested in the Social and Comfortable mode of education, where I can focus on sharing knowledge through the phenomenal aspects of curriculum/life experiences.}}

On the first day (7-Sep-2018) itself, along with my father, I got nice positive (Comfortably acceptable) treatment from the organization through the medium of happily receiving people. I was (am) glad for this acceptable behaviour. Now also this happening, I am happy for that.

I thought, language is a barrier for me here, after some time I realized that expression is more important than language, because language is also an expression. This gave me the hope to express my thoughts & one of the main thing is Anjali/Manoj said to me that “Culture/language building happens when we are with people”, this gave me the hope that I am with Hindi People, so I can learn Hindi easily, and people around are supporting me are helping to learn Hindi.

On 8th Sep-2018 (Sat), I visited Navada Kutir, to participate in “Cluster coordinators Meeting”, there I am very happy to see all young people in this organization, because A.P.J Abdul Kalam said “Youth itself will become a criteria for a development of a Nation”. By remembering this statement, I thought that Presence of youth in this organization, will develop the deprived children, through their (youth)/my strength. 

On 10th Sep-2018 (Mon), I went to visit Machwas cluster with respected Babu, Anjali, Raghu & Manoj. After coming only they started intervening in Kutir activities, such as asking, introducing, etc. There I didn’t do any work, I feel, I observed there very passively, Village people’s guest receiving was very nice, their (Village people) enthusiasm to talk with new people (Babu & me), giving Tea etc. I liked a lot. I am happy to see there trained discipline with some disturbance, when I went near to them by leaving their work, they started standing and wishing me, while going out, they again started showing gratitude by their words.

On 11th Sep 2018 (Tue), Today is the 125th anniversary of “Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago world religious conference”, I like the speech given respected Manoj & Raghu slightly went from known to unknown, after showing audio of Vivekananda’s Chicago address speech, the anchors started speech in Hindi. When I saw Telugu guys speech in Hindi, gave me the evidence/hope that I (Telugu guy) can learn & speak Hindi fluently. 

On 12th Sep 2018 (Tue), with the help of Respectable Anjali, Raghu & Manoj. I got new motivation & some clearance on my placement in Parivaar Organization. They told me about close interaction is need for the development of Kutir, “Our all aim is same, but the perception (way) is different, we all need to go in our unique way & need to interact closely with Kutir to aware what all happening in the Kutir’s”. With that close interaction “We (I) need to understand the team, in what/which they are interested in”. As an Education anchor you need to improve the Kutir, under you nearly 1440 children are there indirectly, your work will change their life destinies, so be conscious & be happy.

Some Self-notes on Kutir visits

In Silphodkheda, when I saw activity based approach in this Kutir, in this Seva Kutir I felt there is some spirit in teachers and students for getting education. Teachers & students are actively participating in class, without much disturbance all students are listening & looking in class without much side-seeing, all students are trying to give the answer for teacher’s questions. Teacher is also deeply involved in class, with different techniques she is trying to make children to learn topics.

In Barbai, when I saw the teacher writings on board 7 digit number additions & subtractions, 4*3 digit number multiplications, I was very happy, because of the students understanding levels are high, here teacher is giving that much big (7 digits) additions, 4*3 multiplications and students are solving it with some guidance, generally teachers will the questions, according to the children’s level.

In Machwas, I intervened on the topic “Sistha achar”. When I went there, all children wrote their self-rules & regulations as part of their class timetable. I told to them “How to follow these rules & regulations” with self-control approach, without much interference of adults, this discourse cleared my thoughts and the teachers thoughts also got the clarity, their concrete response after the session, is the evidence for me to say this line “They got some clarity on what I said” for the process of how to follow self-rules and regulations.

In Surani Kutirs, I gave small type of discourse on “Desh Bakthi”, there I tried to explain them in a way to understand & and also to follow Patriotism. I feel, the concept of nation is very abstract & political in nature, it is not concrete to see, that why I said in a way, by asking fundamental question “What is Nation”, with the answer “Nation means people who lives on land”, Patriotism means accepting the nearby people without any hesitation/interruption. This made to realize and connect to this nearby people, organization, etc.

In Patrani Kutir, when teacher is saying about the concept of Mela, I (as a medium) intervened phenomenally on the notion “Ujjain Kumbamela”, with myself only. This activity gave me an insight that “I can make the information, as knowledge/wisdom with the medium of my thought process”

In Nivardi, theoretically (thoughtfully) I intervened in the class on the topic maps with teachers. I briefly explained the concept of globe, how it came into existence, what is the significance of this etc. I tried explained them briefly in a deep way. This incident made to strengthen my above statement.

In Sulgaon & Navsa Kutirs, I took the class on self-introductory session with activity based approach, this gave kind of happiness for me. While taking this session, I got the thought that “In this Parivaar Organization, children are coming for getting education, if they are not getting education, at least they need some enjoyment in their through this Parivaar, and that enjoyment should not disturb tomorrows enjoyment. Sulgaon Kutir teacher requested me to take the class on Rivers, I asked the ontological questions to the students “What is water, What is river, Where not will not exist” such questions I asked them, later I answered those questions. It’s a nice experience for me while listening my self-questions to the children, I got some clarity on the content.

In Navada, slightly I felt bored in class, when madam is teaching alphabets to the children, but when small early children are crying in the classroom she is picking up that children in her hands and trying to consul them, here I felt teacher is behaving like a mother. After seeing this situation I remembered Charley Chaplin words “We need more kindness than Intelligence, for making better society”. Here teacher is more kind, than intelligence. This made me to focus on kindness in Parivaar Organization.


Two main incidents which gave me deep insights

1)      First thing I like here most is relationship between the village (people) and Parivaar organization (people), here the people are happily accepting this Parivaar organization. I like this coordination a lot.

Acceptance is base for relation (Anubandh), we are very happy with our parents because we accepted them without any hesitation, if we hesitate, there might be disturbance in us. Here there is no such disturbance between people and organization. Like our family relation only (not exactly, but similarly) the people in village also accepting us without any hesitation. So in this relationship with the people with the support of this Parivaar organization, I am enjoying a lot. This attitude is trying to make me more responsible member of this organization.


2)      When one teacher is teaching “Great Personalities” , she gave “Gandhi” role to one student and asked him to “Introduce himself as Gandhi” & later she called one more student and gave the role of Swami Vivekananda asked him to “Introduce himself as Vivekananda” to other fellow mates, like that Bhagat sing & Arima Mishra also. 

This Incident developed my intuition, by remembering Vivekananda’s quote “Education is the manifestation of perfection, already in Human”. The instincts of great character lies in their thoughts, those good, sensitive, positive thoughts are in us also, we need consistency. Gandhi, Vivekananda, etc. became great personalities because of their good thoughtful actions. In these children (and in us (me) also) also those good (sensitive) thoughts are there, but what we (I) are lacking in consistency/patience on those good/sensitive thoughts. If we (I) hold those thoughts, we also become great personalities.  It’s only called “Manifestation of perfection, which is already within us”

I think, here all great personalities are friends in the Kutir, we (I) don’t know what happens next, the student from might become another personality, so we (I) need to more careful while dealing with others (the children)

Generally people says “First impression is the Best impression”, at the first only, I got very best experience, after at the work done by this organization. So now, I wish, I also be part of this best impression, for that I need to work with some dedication.

Note: Based on my present understandings, pre-occupied notions, I am wrote this self-note. Based on my short term experiences I concluding (trying to view) the things. 


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