Megha Bisht

Commemorative Content Conversations

12 May 2017
Mail Subject:
Share your Feelings, Experiences & Learning's from MAE16_Sec-1 {Classmates & Faculty}

Feel this as a platform for to share your feelings, experiences and learnings from our section {Section= Classmates & Faculty} from the past 1 year.
Here I'm writing my experiences.

I am Feeling very happy to meet such a nice, smart, intellect, jovial, careful, kind Humans. 

I Felt you as My Lovely Moving Library because I am learning so many things from you in my academics as well as in extra-curricular activities/personal life. (Experiences with you are substituting Map/symbols for me)  

I Experienced and experiencing knowledge, Caring, simplicity, jovialness, courageousness, stableness, blissfulness, from you. 

I am learning Knowledge (WISDOM), simpleness, calmness, stableness from you. I am learning this from observations, interactions, etc. with you. {YOU= SECTION-1/Classmates & Faculty}

Thank you Very Much

Your Response:

Naga, you know beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, you are the one who is really seeing all these big words in us. thank you for your simplicity and humbleness naga. I am grateful that you are the very essence of our class

Class... you people are different but still, we share so many common things in between us, thank you for giving me such a good experience in my post-graduation chapter. take good care

Mail Subject
Blissful Birthday to you

Hi My Dear Megha {Chota Varadharajan Ji},
I wish you a very Good, Glorious, Precious, Healthy, Blissful Birthday to you and may God bless you with bright future. 
And try to enjoy your life with Responsibilities, Freedom & Decision making.

You are the cheerful person in the class, you appreciate all our classmates after their presentations & You are sincere, dedicated person who prepares for main aim in our University and also focuses on extracurricular activities also like sport and dance (All will come to University to read, it's students main aim) & You are also guided to some people those will approach you. 
Thanks for your guidance and support to me

With warm Birthday wishes

Your Response:
Hey, Naga thank you so much for your warm wishes. I am very blessed to have people like you around me. 

All the Best of Luck in your Life with Hope.

Hello My Dear Favorite People, 
Hope you all doing well right now.

First of all I want to congratulate all my classmates those who (got job in the placement process) are going to enter into the new chapter of their life with new responsibilities.
All the Best of Luck for those who are going (waiting) to get new responsibilities {Including Me}. We all need to be lead for life with hope and patience because we are in discovering process (our life didn't stop till now). If we focus on present, then future is ours, we all need to believe in the process because "Direction is more important than speed". to digest this it will be difficult, but we will try to "Trust the process". All the Best of Luck.

{One Year back on Feb 7th 2017, we all celebrated our Birthday in our section. it is very special. So Wish you a very happy belated birthday to you all}

Your Response:
Hello Naga,
Your mail is overwhelming, thank you so much for sharing the same space with all of us. Congratulation to you and all other mates and hope for the best for other mates those who are still in the process. Happy birthday to all lovely mates.

A feeling of some excitement slightly associated with love in Fraternal Friendship towards you all

My Dear favorite people, 
My thoughts are in very vague state. With some intensive enthusiasm I am writing this email, It is slightly associated with some small strong transcendental empirical feelings by thinking/feeling about you all. I feel very happy by think about you and your memories. 
Now I am not able to imagine my APU life without you all and your memories. 
Some parts of my heart is filled with your memories, through some awesome empirical past experiences from you all. It is some kind of amazing feeling for me. I have some special interest (A feeling of learning from you) on you all. 
I don't know about this vague state of thoughts and it's time period, but I want to name this relation as LOVE in FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP. 
I don't know why, but I am interested in sharing this with you. 
I Love You, Based on my past experiences I am sharing this, not by thinking/imaging about future.
NOTE: Be Careful
Lovely past memorable times in our life will not return back forever, but those missing memories will stay in heart forever.
Nothing is Permanent in this world, I think only change is constant. 
I am also not against to this law of the nature, my feelings are also not permanent. 
I am sharing my past/present feeling not future assumptions. 
I am believing the change and its process: AND trying to accept the change and its process. 
Today is all fool’s day, In the name of LOVE in FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP I am sharing this with some enthusiasm, I don't know the reality, Don't be the fool, by just believing this. Be skeptical and critical respond to yourself first. 

Sorry for wasting your time.

Your Response:
Hey Naga, 
First of all, it is so lovely of you that you have mailed us your genuine feelings and second at least for me you are not wasting my time. Now, I want to say much more than I can write in this mail, you are a pious-heart person, I admire your personality and the being you are deeply touched my heart. Thank you so much for existing. 
P.S. I always 'be' and 'want' to be in touch with you.
Your friend,

Mail Sub
Remembering your valuable gift on my last year Birthday

Dear & Respected Megha,

Last Year Birthday Letter to me by You: 
Megha Bisht: Accept & Respect what you are and world will know you for the same. (18-Apr-2017)

Thank you very much for giving such positive and good words for my life. It means a lot for me. Mostly I am feeling glad in my APU life because of you also. Thanks for coming into my life.

Your Response:
Hello, dear Naga, 
Thank you for your really kind words Naga. Happy birthday. I have faith that people can really connect to each other authentically. I would like to say that you are a very beautiful being I have met in my life, your ways of connecting with people is quite authentic. Kindly be the way you are and understand yourself more whenever you connect with another being in a way that it doesn't seem another to you.  
Thank you for your existence. I love your authentic self.
With deep Affection,

P.S.- Not every time we need a disclaimer to express one's feeling, kindly feel whatever you are feeling by reading this small letter the way you are experiencing it.

28 May 2018
Mail Sub: Blissful Sociological Birthday to you Megha

You are the cheerful person in the class, you appreciate all our classmates after their presentations & you are sincere preparing for your academic needs and also tries to be dedicate to unlearn the things. Thanks for your guidance and support to me. 
{Abstract Thoughts after the experiences with you}
It is a great time with you since 2 years, with some amazing experiences from orientation classroom (515) to your home. I feel, our journey was started from Formal relation as a classmate to Strong relation like (similar to) family brotherhood. I am feeling glad & proud to meet sisterly friend like you. Whenever you talks with me, I feel very glad, because of you I felt, there are some people for me, those who are supporting me valuing me. Thanks a lot for supporting and giving value for me. For “Phenomenal and philosophical things” discussions among classmates, you are slightly like a candle light for me in darkness of questions. 

Some parts of my heart is filled with you and your memories with a kind of gratitude feeling. Now I am feeling those experiences and memories are kind of valuable gift for me in my life. Whenever I see you or think about you I feel very happy. Now I am not able to imagine my APU life without you and your memories. I feel your smile is also the trigger for my happiness.

I want say “Thank you”, because I received a good subjective-gifts (Knowledge) from you throughout programme. Which is also helped me to develop my insights and also to pass exams easily.

Your email response’s to my email increased my self-esteem and also gave satisfaction that “I gained a good friend”. 

{“You gave gratification to me, through your response for my emails, which increased my self-esteem and gave some satisfaction too, But I am afraid also sometimes by seeing this, because I lost my genuine self so many times} 

Your Response:
Indeed, it was beautiful and blissful (as you also wished for). My birthday was quite comfortable and relaxing at home and with my family members. Naga, I know that my words are not sufficient for now to say what I am really feeling after reading your incredible letter. But still I would like to express myself:
I am grateful that you can experience and cherish this aspect of my existence (whatever you explained in the letter) and allowed me to experience what humans can be; their capacity to engage with the other human beings and 'self' authentically. All I can feel for now is Infinite Love of which we all are capable of. Thank you so much for your efforts to understand what we are and become!
Kindly, continue to be in this direction and make life easy and not exaggerate the situations. By exaggeration I mean to see the entirety of the situation and not limit yourself and the other (other can be anything not only beings) by experiencing only certain and limited aspect of it.
With Love.

28 May 2019
Mail Sub: Splendid Birthday to you Megha

Dear and Respected Megha,

I feel in my soul of thoughts, 
you are something to me, in that something you are in a process of becoming everything to me (Self).

That something is vague to me.
Now I want to call that something as "Practitioner of Self-realization"

As a medium wishing you "Splendid Birthday to you.

Your Response
Dear and lovely heart Naga,
I am so pleased to receive your beautiful wishes. I don’t know why we were not able to communicate but I can sense that we are not separated.

We both are living, which allow us to connect and relate with ourselves and the other. How are things going with you? Are you enjoying?

I am very much enjoying the learning. With a fall, I am rising! With a pause, I am playing! With a breath, I am relaxing.

I am looking at self closely, trying to understand it with the other. It is scary and exciting!

I hope you are also enjoying the process of learning.

30 May 2020

Dear and Respected Megha,

This thoughts were given by you itself.
I'm just reminding this on your Birthday

"Look at Self closely, try to understand it. That Process is Scary and Exciting". 

"Respect and Accept as you are, world will recognize for same"

I wish, It would be with you persistently. 
Gratificatified to have you in my little life.

Enjoy with the Entity You Have.

28 May 2022

Megha, For me your are a Booster Dose for to gain and regain my innate energy. When I feel down, I read your responses to my emails. It enhances my esteem. 

You are an Esteem Entity for me with the Energy of Pursuing knowledge and happiness.

I feel, Our Strong Phenomenal bond base is made with Kaustuv Sir Teachings and Subjects.

You gave special space for me in your life. It means a lot to me. (In your Instagram also I'm the only one followed by you among our classmates)

Even though we use to talk very less, I very much associated with you. And didn't felt the Gap between us. Now I don't know why, I felt I'm going away from you. That feeling disturbs me slight a lot. Here problem is in me.

Help me in this regard

Your Response
Namaste Naga,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, I really appreciate this kind gesture.

Also, thank you for being so considerate to share our communication from last few years, it allowed me to see how people grow together in a supportive association (relationship).

I am here to acknowledge your kindness and warmth , thank you for sharing that you are feeling not in touch with our relationship lately and I am here to help us in this regard.

Kindly let me know how I can be of help !

I would love to serve you 🌷


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