Megha Bisht (Mettle Blissfulness)

Megha Bisht (Content)

18 Apr 2017
"Accept and Respect as you are, the world will recognize you for the same " 
(In Birthday Letter to me)

12 May 2017
We people are different, but still we share so many common things in between us.
(In the mail, regarding  Farewell to Section-1)

09 Jun 2019
I am very much enjoying the learning. 
With a fall, I am rising! 
With a pause, I am playing!
With a breath, I am relaxing.
I am looking at self closely, trying to understand it with the other. 
It is scary and exciting! (In Mail, to the response of Birthday mail)

29 Nov 2019
Softness is not working,
Need Some Extra-softness 
(Via Mobile Conversation)

07 May 2021
Respect what your body can do today. 

09 May 2021
 “Self-love” and serving oneself is one of the essential element of practicing yoga!! 🤩 (Via Instagram)

16 May 2021
Being with nature is indeed rewarding! You can try it for yourself

19 Jun 2021
Listen to your body and see what it can do today and gradually with practice you can explore more. (Via Instagram)

16 Jun 2021
This is for me and you, a step to re-connect to nature and to ourselves!
I realised that these simple and yet profound offerings from nature allow me to ground a little more than previous moment.
Nature is one of my key anchors during my lows, mediums and highs🤗
Sharing it with you is indeed very much connecting and blessed feeling 🥰
These (lovely flowers) are part of my family and home 🌸 (Via Instagram)

31 Dec 2021
Expressing Sincere Gratitude to each and everyone who had and still helping me to learn the incredible process of understanding, practicing and sharing ‘Yoga’ in an authentically holistic way 💕
All glories to each and everyone for their support. 
Dear reader you are one among them (Via Instagram)

08 Mar 2022
To celebrate the sacred divinity within we need to balance softness and strength within, in the occasion of Internationals women's day, I would like to celebrate with you all the feminine energy (this energy is not limited female bodies) within us I am inviting to delve deeper within and build your intuition, a sense of deep listening! Ask yourself -

How you can move with softness and strength?
In your day, month, year and Life
Praying deep care for us.  (Via Instagram/Whatsapp status)

11 Mar 2022
Food as a medium to connect with yourself a little more.
Building relationship with food by listening to how your body response after eating a particular meal or any one food item is something I am exploring from sometime. (Via Instagram)

23 Mar 2022
As food nourishes our existence we can make efforts to nourish our food. 

25 Mar 2022
Consistent Practice is Essential
Most of the times there is only you and your practice with the sound of your breath and those are the times which provides deep strengthening. 

26 Mar 2022
(On Oiling Hair & Body)
Your Kind attention to Yourself!  is very basic for our existence! Learning with You 🤩
28 Mar 2022
Nature is my Anchor💫
When I feel it’s too much now, I go out and observe how nature and it’s every creature (definitely including us 🤪) are moving at their Rhythm and when I am out of Rhythm, I quietly rest in Mother Nature’s Lap🌼🌸🧚‍♀️

15 Apr 2022
It's all there nature is always there to embrace us in various forms and ways 🤩⭐

22 Apr 2022
Serving the feminine is not limited to female bodies only, if we are connecting with our deep intuition and softness within than we all are accessing the feminine within irrespective of our bodies and Gender🌼

06 May 2022
Self-practice of any kind may seem difficult but it is beautifully rewarding.
You get chance to fall and rise again on momentary basis and that's why I have kept this offering as it is!
It is to establish that when you are ready and committed to serve and love your very existence than even your surroundings (outer and inner) feels supportive.
This is to cheer everyone who are cultivating some discipline for themselves and certainly in turn it serves everything and everyone as we all are connected

23 May 2022
Active relaxation is quite crucial for our wellbeing 

14 Jun 2022
Thank you for your amazing support and love dear Readers, student and my teachers beloved. 
I am here because of support, guidance and love. 
I am here to share support, guidance and love through my service (all my offerings).
Yes, Magic is Reality

16 Jun 2022
Yoga, is all about how your mind is syncing with your breath and you will be amazed by your body. And it is an Austerity to Tune in with your Breath, Mind and Body with each Moment of Present

We continue to grow with discipline 
We continue to grow in sync/with Nature

18 June 2022
The key to be consistent with your discipline practice is to - at the time reluctancy doing it anyway🤩

20 Jun 2022
Sattvik approach is to acknowledge that a several earth elements, people and objects are being part of these beautiful colours and taste + enjoying while chewing and sensing all the taste you can taste + praying for the well being of each and everything which made this moment of eating possible for us.

26 Jun 2022
Deep satisfaction- living my dream ☮️ 🙏
It's amazing how you genuinely pray and opportunity comes to you with Grace 🤗🙏
Honoured and blessed by gift of learning and sharing together 🤩🙏
Growing with Support and flourishing in love of sacred space 💝
I have one word which really defines my experiences 'Yaaayy' 😮🙏☮️
It's an honour and a blessing to acknowledge the life offerings and living them to my unfolding potential 🕉️

04 Jul 2022
With warmth and love
With nutritious delight
And with Reverence for life offerings. (Via Whatsapp Status)

05 Jul 2022
Cooking is one of my meditative practice, I am learning everyday. Even if my post may look alright but sometimes there is less of salt or more salt or varied spice or chilliness levels and despite all these different outcomes, I absolutely in love with this Amazing Process.
Taking care of what you eat is like hug from your existence to your cells 😘
I hope you are eating well 💝

27 Jul 2022
Support your Discipline by doing it Consistently, Repetitively and Care.
Growing in your practice is connecting all the dots (every effort we do in practice of discipline) in that moment of Awareness.
It is not only important to 'start' but to 'maintain' your discipline 

05 Aug 2022
Growth is required to be consistent gradual process.
Growth is not always soothing, keep making efforts anyways.
Inspired by self-paced growth 
Growing and learning with Snail
Servicing is on by Nature constantly in different for us. (Via Whatsapp)

07 Aug 2022
All I can acknowledge is incredible blessing we all are blessed with and it requires deep patience and love to keep making efforts for your holistic existence.

13 Aug 2022
I realised - It’s beautiful to be Quite 🤗
I invite you to be “Quite” in your lows and highs,
I invite you to be “Quite” in your darkest morning and shinning Night,
I invite you to be “Quite” in your heart and mind
I invite you to be “Quite” in your Conversation and Fight
I invite you to be “Quite” with you sometime

27 Aug 2022
I pray we all make required efforts to look this amazing while we "work".
When we work in alignment with our true potential to external eyes it's "beautiful" and to internal world it's "peace".

10 Sep 2022
As a part growing in our life, I realised nourishing food is one of the basic requirements for our healthy and happy existence.
Currently due to multiple reason we are unable to pay required ‘respect’ to our food 😬🤷🏻‍♀️
Past 10 days I was part of a yatra (constant travelling both inwards and outwards) and oh loving god it was not easy to manage good food which suit us the best! I realised the direct relationship between “food” and “mental health” , I was feeling down, tired, upset and off the rhythm most of the times. Now, slowly i am trying to cook and eat what i require 😁🤗
A loving reminder dear reader , take care of your “food”
Love and Service

14 Sep 2022
“What is our approach to any practice we begin?”
This question is a basic question to ask whenever we begin a practice!
Any approach which is restoring the balance within is always helpful.
Love and Service

29 Sep 2022
A Glimpse of Sacred learnings
This month and the previous month (will share later about Aug later) was an intense experience for my existence.
Things, people and everything were moving constantly and so do I and it was challenging at all levels - Physically , Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually. Why I am sharing this?
So that I can share, that life will offer everything and anything if you are really working towards it . Though I will say choosing what we are wanting is very very , I mean very very Crucial .
If we really appreciate that we experience better things , I can say we really need to make better efforts for the same🕉 (No Substitute, No Variation for this unlike yoga asana practice 🤗)
Love and Service

08 Oct 2022
A Process of Hope , Trust, Acceptance and Sincere Efforts 🙏🏼🕉

This is journey (a glimpse of Yuj with Yoga Offerings) which is continuing in the moment I am typing, when you are reading as well and will continue as I keep making efforts for this Sadhana 🙏🏼.
I am able to serve in this manner due to immense love Bhagwan and Devi have for us 🕉 and Acknowledging all the blessings they are showering on us forever. One may call it universe , divinity or anything which resonates with you🤗, the point is keep making efforts 🌸
As a human to move towards this sense of hope, trust, acceptance and sincere efforts is a very magical “trying” we all can do🕉
I sincerely appreciate the teachings and sharing @govardhan_school_of_yoga @satyakaun which allowed me to begin this journey with amazing Support 🙏🏼🕉

01 Nov 2022
Sharing one effort of the space, this is something which i can say deeply inspires me to support my offerings (processes) and being consistent in offering this space as well.
Like anything this is also transforming at it’s own pace 💙. Wonderful question is , in which direction you are willing to transform ? Keep making regular efforts 🌸
Loving Service

03 Nov 2022
As a yog practitioner and yog educator daily practice is a basic rule I follow and this really help to make any sadhana ‘regular’ . What is really required is -
✅clarity- that why we have started?
✅ love- to give attention to what we need to nourish our existence.
✅patience- to continue the process even if outcome are not immediately experienced.
✅trust- that you are doing all what you can do for that particular time.
I invite you to “practice with clarity”
Loving Service

07 Nov 2022
Self-education is a very incredible opportunity for us to direct our lives well.
Through this ‘self-education’ posts i am taking an opportunity and inviting you to acknowledge perspectives which are meant for our wellbeing and holistic health.
You can always ask any doubts over comment section or DM , i will answer them , if i am aware of the answers 😬😁
Loving Service

19 Nov 2023
Cooking with intention can allow us to nourish ourselves holistically.
Try to cook or at least watch the process of cooking (in real) and acknowledge what a Magic it is 🤩
Loving Service

14 Dec 2022
We are Dependant.
Just like you I am also trying to live well and there are many times we feel not in sync with our truth!
This post is just a reminder that "We have multiple support everywhere around us", please feel really free to access them all and realise your "cup of water".

Just remember "support" is in sync with "Truth"
One of my eternal support is been shared here
Do share what your "support" looks like

21 Dec 2022
Whatever i share with you is "always" a reminder for me as well.
Let's grow in truth of us.
Allow yourself to engage in “thoughts” which are supportive to live with ease and strength.

23 Dec 2022
Health is Taking care of all levels of our existence
Physical well being
Emotional well being
Mental well being 
Spiritual well being
"Life is " Trying to offer your intention to take care of all of them on "Daily basis"

26 Jan 2023
Let's welcome onset of spring season with enthusiasm, trust and faith in our efforts.
Let's rejoice together as maa bhumi (mother earth) welcome us all with amazing vibrancy.
Remember you are always supported.
Offer your prayers to Maa Bhumi and make her forever companion your
Sharing how we prepare delicious offering for Bhagwan and devi (eternal grace and support) and celebrate it while observing Maa Bhumi's Glory

27 Jan 2023
Moon Gazing is amazing meditation practice to include in your life.
Make space for you to connect with nature and feel amazed by how beautifully “nature” cares for you 🤗

30 Jan 2023
“Breath” ... a process of support!
The better we breath the relaxed we are!
Take care of your breathing process.

31 Jan 2023
An invitation to “listen” and “act” with rhythm of Mother Nature and you will definitely experience “love”. 
Mother Nature teaches everything possible we need to learn, Let's listen her always. (Via Whatsapp)

17 Feb 2023
(Story of Little Inspiration)
Little Inspiration goes the long way.
On daily basis I inspire myself to do what I can and required to do as per my responsibilities and I am sure "auto-pilot" mode of living is not helpful for our well-being.
So, here is an invitation to find your inspiration, stick to it and keep expanding your perspective and inspiration.
Support yourself.
And ask for support when required, asking for support is crucial aspect of maintaining our well-being 

22 Feb 2023
Co-existing is the only way to exist.
Love, is essential feeling of our existence and if by any chance you are experiencing yourself differently than this is in an invitation to come back to your "home" to come back to "love".

Maa bhumi (mother nature) teaches us that tolerance and love co-exist, the things we do to her either consciously or unconsciously, we still witness that how amazingly she anchors her in her "love and truth".
Listen and respond to your existence with love and embrace tolerance with ease.
Let's learn together.

20 Mar 2023
Festivals - An opportunity to experience and embrace each other as we are.
I remember the time when i used to hide during holi celebration 🤪 and in general escaping celebration in order to avoid gatherings 😬
As i am coming in acceptance of my own existence in all its colours , every other relationship allowed me meet the other with softness.
And I personally feel “festivals” are beautiful soft mediums to express and embrace “what is there” with softness.

23 Mar 2023
Yogic Lifestyle and Travelling Experience Sharing
✓ Stick with your Sadhana
✓ Process is very Crucial
✓ Results are just the side-effect

19 May 2023
There are times when we are over-active and some times under-active and yet we are bound to do responsible actions on daily basis!
For daily responsible actions (कर्तव्य कर्म) we need daily inspiration (प्रेरणा). 

29 Jun 2023
Cooking is one of the essential element of ghrahasta jeevan.
Life becomes work of art only when you are consistent in your chosen decision (which is supportive and helpful for your given life).
Plain difference is, if particular decision of your life is not supportive to your given life than it is an “Addiction” otherwise it is “Consistency” even if it feels like a drag!

Loving Service 
Life Offering 


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