Gandhiji (గాంధీజీ)

గాంధీజీ నాకు ఒక శాస్త్రం లాంటి వారు. గాంధీజీ వ్యక్తపరిచిన అనుభవాలు ఒక సుదీర్ఘ ఉద్దేశపూర్వక ప్రయోగ ప్రమాణ ప్రయాణం. ఆ ప్రయాణంలో ఆహింసలో హింసాకాండ, శాంతిలో అభద్రతాభావం, బ్రహ్మచర్యంలో చంచలత్వం, నీతిలోని విమర్శలు ఉన్నా కానీ దాని ప్రమాణం సత్యాగ్రహ ఉద్దేశంతో స్వరాజ్య లక్ష్యంగా సాగింది. ఆ శాస్త్రం ఇబ్బంది పెట్టినా హుందాగా, మధ్యస్థ సానుకూలంగా అనిపించింది. కొన్నిసార్లు నన్ను నేను వ్యక్తపరచడానికి ఆయన శాస్త్రంతో అనుసంధానం అవుతాను.

Gandhiji is like a science to me. Experiences, manifested by Gandhiji is a long deliberate standard experimentation journey. In that journey there is violence in non-violence, insecurity in peace, restlessness in celibacy, criticism in ethics. But for this strong base is Understanding Truth (Satyagraha) for freedom (Swaraj). His science is troubling but sobering, medium optimistic. Sometimes I connect with Him to express myself through his science.

Energy Enjoy Entity 
అమృత అనంద అస్తిత్వం


  1. Bharghav, are these your original thoughts on how you see Gandhi..or is it someone's that you resonated with..

    1. Violence in Non violence Insecurity in peace are some of things I am more interested to understand then

    2. Would you like to share more of how you see that

  2. I feel, Gandhi and his movement was greatest victory and the worst defeat with regards to India’s independence and India’s partition.

    There is self sacrifice by bearing the violence to follow non-violence.

    One of the basic ingredient of freedom is peace, After getting the freedom (peace), there is insecurity feeling, because so many migrated mutually by leaving almost everything

  3. Thank you for sharing, now further intrigued to read what you mentioned around

    Basic ingredient of freedom is Peace, what makes you say so..
    Can you help me wih an example to understand your stand.

    And also when you say self sacrifice by bearing the violence, what incident of history are you quoting.. partition?

  4. Peace meaning is a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. Freedom from disturbances.

    During non cooperation and Salt Satyagraha movement, many Indians were beaten up by British. But mostly none of them were responded violently.
    Because of his non-violence practice.


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