Teacher and Curriculum Notes

17 Jul 2017
Teacher & Curriculum (1)

-World view is a philosophical view of life. It may differ from Individual to Individual. Naturally, world view is in Nuturalized Position (Some people don't see it as a world view, they see as a Natural view). First we all accepts our parents world view. We born into a world view. All knowledge is existing in world itself. Sociology of knowledge is real; sociology of knowledge is core for Teacher (subject - Individual) & curricarum (object - Society)

Sociology of knowledge = Sociology of Reality
Ones own knowledge = ones own reality
My knowledge = My Reality

That means something that exists is worth pursuing. Reality (Some thing that exists) is worth persuing knowledge. World View comes from subjective & objective realities

Construction of Objective Reality (Curriculum/Knowledge):
Appearance of the world (Curriculum) is objective reality it focus on outer world. It is observed. "What exists" is reality here
Construction of Subjective Reality (Teacher/Taught): 
Appearance of the person (Teacher) is subjective reality, it is focus on individual self. It is an observer. "Witness of existence" is reality

Here construction means put together. Curriculum and knowledge are objects; teacher and taught are subjects 

Interactional Plane
"With the relationship between these two things education happens". Social forms that are family, language, schooling, media, community, geography, religion, etc. constitutes both subjective and objective reality.
The subjective reality (Teacher) interprets and projects the objective reality (Curriculum). 

Teacher is the walking curriculum. Teacher teaches more than the curriculum, by their pedagogy and along with their activities. Teacher interprets the knowledge but not admit the knowledge. (It is secret or hidden curriculum)

18 Jul 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (2)

Destruction of the objective reality:
It's about knowing, How understandings became Institutionalised. What are the characteristics due to which a human being is created and constructed(ing)) a stable external reality (objective). 

How Humans construct objective external Stable Beauty 

+1} Humans are non specified 
It is about the difference between humans and animals. Animals can grow in specific grounds only. Ex: police bear canc grow in desert, canais can't grow in Ice lands. Humans are non specified, we can see humans on most conditions of the earth. Humans are peculiar animals {why? means it's ontogenetic) 

+2} Ontogenetic Development:
Onto means "Thing that is" and genetic means Birth. Except Humans all living beings are physical and biological beings. But Humans are Physical, Biological, Sociological, Psychological, spiritual beings.Humans are completed biologically, but in other aspects they are incomplete. Because of incompleteness there is a high degree of Socio-cultural variability. 

+3}Socio-cultural variability
Variability means "Plasticity of instincts/Would openness". Most of the organisms don't have this socio cultural variability. Animals are Biological based, but Humans are socio-cultural based. 

Human mind (world) is openness; Animals mind (work) is "Closedness", Socio-cultural Variability deals with world of opemess. It is with Pleasticity of instints (Instint - immidiate response - Flexible in innidiate response) - Human mind is very flexible in nature, Animais also have flexibility that is very difficult to get flexibility. (Animal Adaptabilities hat easily Can't change, Lion can eat grass cashy, row can't digest meat casing

+4} Auto poises:
Here Auto means self, poises means Creation, Production, making formation. Auto poises means Self -creation or self Production. There will be multiple choices, it is difficult to take decision. Humans are making more choices, more formations are happening because of this more openness, humans became unstable. 

+5} Unstable:
Unstable: No specified limits (wo don't know about our own limils)• Humans brain has no specified limits (unstable) • Development is unstable because there is a huge ringe of Possibilities to meet which are unwanted and burden too. 
Because of auto poises unstability lead humans towards chaos. Aunties chaos need to be closed.

+6} Needs Closeness
To control chaos & to balance this world openess a closure is needed. Slowly Structure begin to impose itself through socio-cultural taboos. 
Closure is needed for social stability for mutual benefits and profits. Other wise social chaos would happen. This closeness gives Social Stability through culturul taboo's. Closure would done through Habitualization. For Closeness we are doing recipromal movements that become habitualization

+7} Habitualization:
By repeating something, we will get habituated, habituation does not happen dramatically it will happen gradually only. By Habitualization we get Stable formation & Stable formation is a reciprocal action.
Ex Class determines you & you determines Class it's the two way If you put your hand forward, I will also put my hand forward for shake hand It is a reciprocal action. • Habitualization happened in class, caste, Gender, clothing, language, religion, etc. • For closeness we are doing reciprocal actions & that are became Habitualization. This Habitualization is making typication.

+8} Typication
Habitualizations become typications: A certain kind of actions will become a type (certain actions certain types). Language, Caste, class, etc. came from enclousure with certain actions.

+9} Institutionalization
Through the repeated typication of actions stable formation occurs, and stable formation helps in developing Institutionalization. Institutions are driven by unbreakable laws • Here repeated actions were reproduced. This actions will become harden.

+10} Concretization of thought (Hardening, Resication and Objectifying): 
Because of unbreakable laws, the actions & thinking become harder •This hardening , Resication makes psychological concepts into a Physical things. This process is called concretization of thought. With this concretization of thought, Institutions gets the status of Physical concepts. In this thoughts become concrete, resicate, hardening and it become object. Here the intangible psychological concepts become something as hard as tangible physical objects. Now this intangible harden reality became and natural reality .

+11} Super stable formation
Harden reality will be come super stable. After stable formations institutions will form, with the help of institutions the actions will become harden objectified and makes super stable formation. After this super stable formation, it is very difficult to go beyond from this. 

Language, Religion, region, caste, etc. Aur first psychological concepts now it is physical concepts through repeated actions a subject became object, psychological became physical things and subjects of reality.

24 Jul 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (3)

Institutions as Objective Reality & epistemic culture:
Institutions⇒objective Reality:
Individuals impact on Institutions & Institutions will impact more than Individuals. There is a dialectical relationship b/n institutions and individuals.  

Institutions have some expectations of us & That is the way it is on us. And those expectations from society, family, religion, etc. Institutions Projects things as unalterable subjects" 

The original instincts become invisible:
Instead of seeing its vitality activities become mechanical. Institutions lose their organic relationship with reality and develop a mechanical relationship. 
Ex. Our relationship with judicial system: previously we have faith on this court system. if you go to court will get justice, now it became a belief. The intense of faith became just belief. 

Inter subjective sedimentation: 
Institutional practices thoughts actions will sediments (subject settles to bottom) over the time. Orginal instincts become instincts only, practices thoughts actions are sedimented. 
Ex. Fear is an instinct, fear is same, but practices which make fear different, previously we have fear from Britishers, now from politicians. 

Relative independence will be there:
For the sake of independence status create some autonomous institutions. After sometime that institutions subconsciously dissolves its independence. And may depend on other forms. 
Ex. Religion is an independent institution, but inside the religion, caste have dominance than religion. 

Institutions⇒ Epistimic culture 
Historiography stay away some people writes history. Major historical narratives is about conquering the people. 
Ex. Columbus made his voyage to get the gold, but he didn't get the gold but he taken slaves to his country (he wrote this in his Diary also). He is portrait it as Hero for discovering USA.

25 Jul 2017
Teacher and curriculum: (4)
Legitimisation Process: 
How this objective Reality & Epistemic cultures came into Legitimation process

Previously we discussed about how understandings become Institutions which objective reality, Now how it became legitimized (Justified process)
- This legitimation process is in horizontal level, it there to protect institution (mechanical Proces)

Giving information => Justification => Normative dignity.
- In the Process legitimation 1st we will get information through symbols and says why its valuable for this society etc.
- After information we get justification, describes how it's helps us in Social Plane, and makes information beneficial as a Normative dignity 
Ex: Now a days Vaccination is a common thing, but in previous days these are mostly medication - Through the information it happed, Now Demand and SUPPLY both are More.
Ex:- Previously Alphabets are not there, now through the process it is legitimized 
(Eg: Democracy = Information to legitimation)

Making it as Theoritical Proposition (Justification) (Redimentry).
-Theoritical propositions are social formulas (proverbs).
-These proverbs are legitimating devices (tools) for a world view 
-These proverbs gives various Ideas, Narratives, morarities ideologies, Values, Conduct, etc.
-These theoritical propositions are Very Powerfull invisible way & we can't detect these prepositions.

Formal theories (Explicit = State clearly indetail).
-Formal theories are bench mark for Legitimation process. It gives Scientific/Technological theories. 
-It takes major part in formalizing those information, theoretical Propositions as explicit.
-Previously Religion is an explict Now science is an explict
-Everyone is asking is it Scientisic/Rational el-c 
-Religion says what is life and death; Now a days science taken over religion 
- Now Religion tightly connected with market process.

Integration => symbolic universe.
- World (objective reality) is produced and legitimized through Integration of symbolic universe
- Symbolic universe is comming from integration
-Symbolic universe is not an finished product 
-Symbolic universe - share symbols, meanings, concerts, meanings which are not experienced in reality (Tree word is not real tree)
-Each Society has some/ different symbolic universes
-Democracy, communalism, socialism, etc. are symbolic universe and experienced in as theoritical form 
- We can't experience these entire symbolic universe, we can experience a part of these symbolic universe.
Ex. We can't experience complete Democracy, Hinduism, etc. we can experience some parts of this.
- These have clear borders and border Points also surely comes under the particular Particular Symbolic universe

31 Jul 2017
Teacher and Curriculum (5):
How the world (Objective) is constructed.

Functionality -1: Offers a Canopy
-Gives specific place where you belong to (or) offers/give limited part of the world
-It gives some space to you In larger part and you can't experience entire canopy.
-"You can't see every place in a state/country, it is physically not possible also. Democracy/kadapa we can't experience completely

Functionality -2: Delimitation
-Delimitation- Limiting the possibility of Reality 
-You will limit your possibilities in Society (Do & Don'ts are decided by society only)
-If you go beyond this limit you may be called Herey 
-It (world/society) strictly says what lies in the boundaries
Ex-Inter-caste marriage is a limit, Boy wearing girl dress is a limit.

Functionality -3: Ordering of History (Storycizing)
-Interpretations on history - 
Storycizing his through interpretations
-Making history- which events should be considered & which should not be 
-Now Indian history means stories of struggles for Independence.
-Who got independence ? I think only Nehru & other politicans got independence Than Sati, Because of dowry more womens died- -We are interpretating history.

Functionality -4:- Ranking/ordering the Values Positions
-Ordering- Hierarchy
- Ranking of knowledge, experiences, works, Gender, discources etc.
-Ranking body parts also as Head and feet etc. 
-Valuing & dis-valuing happens through ranking.
Ex:- Getting more marks in science & maths is more valued & knowing art is dis-valued
-Docter services is more important than BBMP (Municipal) workers
-Having more money is greater than having good behaviors. 

Functionality -5:- Cosmic order (Abstract)
-It focus on larger issues of life and death: emancipation
-It explains how we deal with death. 
-It focus on emancipation happiness, Instead of money 
-In olden days larger reference frame was monarchy;God, 
-Now a days God was replaced by science -Science as a larger refference tool.
- In Democracy constitution became reference.
=> Cosmic order from Abstract (Larger Frame of resserence)

Functionality -6:- Externalisation
- Projection of mind is called Externalization 
- Externalization is the process of Projecting our thoughts to actions and making things. 
- Projection is the mother of invention "We are copying everything without realizing that we are copying"
-We are assuming that we are creating new things, but already there are those thing in us. We think it is independent reality.
-Brain Externalizes its own internal curiosity on material world outside.
-It is a systematic Projection of the brain on material world.

01 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (6)
How the world is made and maintained {Tools for maintaining symbolic universe}
- World is maintained with some Specific instruments, process, machinaries & apparatus

Narratives:- (Telling of stories - Providing a commentary for ___ )
-Narratives are a tool for symbolic universe
- Narrative is a view for Abstract 
- Narratives is very loose & shapeless
- Narratives Can't build in one day & can't end in oneday
- Narrative is very large umbrella 
- Under this Narrative only discourses, ideologies, etc. will come.
-Historical Narratives, mythological narratives, scientific narratives Nationalistic narratives etc.

Ideology: - (System of ideas forming the basis of a theory)
-Ideology is there to maintain reality.
-Bible is an narrative, but it can be used as an Ideology like catholics protestants etc. -It helps in making/forming a theory.

Rewards and punishment:- (Punish-Impose an Penalty for an offence & Reward - Thing given in recognition of effort)
- Reward & Punishment has its own ideas. 
- These are used as tool to Control Society.
- Mostly this reward & punishment are invisible
- If we see happy it is a reward only & If you feed sad, it is a punishment only 
- It is Degree of status mostly based on hierarchy

Transference:- Transfering (Copying/Moving) Information to others)
-Social world is transferring themselves to you.
- Unconsciously (Sub-Consciously) we feel that so part of that......
-Belief that the system will back you 
-If I go to police station I get Justice ; If I go to school I get knowledge, These all beliefs are the Socially transferand to us (you) main social transferance is through language

Identity:- (Recognize as being/thing as a specified Person/thing) 
-Identity is a performative part of society, It makes me (You) to belong to particulay thing 
-Identity performs certain symbolic order
-Regional Identity, Religion, Gender, Socio-economic, Caste, Rationalistic etc. Identities are there.
-Identities came from certain Ideologies (System of Ideas) which Came through narratives.
-Even though we don't know the narrative, we are not following these narratives. Based on those Narrative only we get Identities
Ex. Even though I am not practicing the Brahminical cultural works I use to call as Brahmin only in society.

Therapy:- (Treatment order) 
-Bringing deviants back into the norms of the symbolic universe in a gentle way & Harsh way too.
-Therapy may be done through Some institutional Process 
-Sometimes they (The institution/world) impose their power on deviants forcefully.

Nihilation:- (Belief that nothing has any Value)
-Some says it is complete illusion. You need to realize this.

Abstract:- (Existing in thought idea, but not having a physical existence)
- Imposition of Abstract on Entities.

07 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (7)
Production of Subject:-
-Production of the subject is done through internalization. 
-Production & Subject is linked with Initial/Primary socializations with some significant others (Who takes care of you = significant others)

Internalization <=> Externalization
-Humans are Made/Constructed/Conditioned with Primary socialization not with Natural or Biological internalizations.
-Significant others are emotionally connected to you

Initial/Primary internalizations: 
-Naming or calling Process 
-Establishing Routines through certain repetitive Patterns 
- Familiarities- Languages, faces, object relations 
-Toilet training (Piss and shit are 1st product of children 1st they want to enjoy that)
-Significant others (Emotional connection with near ones)
-Various types of training- Dress, language, relations, etc.
- Etc

These all are the constituents of ontogenetic development. This primary socialization results into the "I" formation. From here only Identity begins (I exist).

I= An Individual looks at him/herself from the lens of others = 
I =Reflective Identity formation. 
(Believes and accepts the identity that others give to him/her)
(His/Her Identity is an election of socialization)

How wil the "primary caregivers" attend to the child, will depend on Biological Idiocracy (Person's Belief: Tendency of each person & their Social Status)

Primary care givers 
. 1/\2 .

1) Biological Idioryncracy 
(Universal others) 
Individual belief & Practices bring up the child

2) Social Status 08 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (8) 

Secondary Socializations (Acquisition & Technologies)

Acquisition at semantic fields:- 
Semantic field - The words around that main word 
Acquisition- Developing/Leaming a habit 
Meaning of words that are relevant to the child itself 

Ex. The word clothes will be surrounded by a Semantic field. It makes particular meaning in the child's life.

Acquisition of Role- Specific knowledge:
-Certain People in the child's life Playing only certain rules
-If they get hungry, they ask only mother not others
- Role of teacher is dominant in child's mind: Rove of Docter is to give injection.

-What all does mother do? and others don't ? 
-What all does father do? and others don't ? -What all does teacher do? and other don't?

Acquisition of tactic understanding:-
Tactic means not explained, but it is identified by some signals, symbols, expressions etc {Hieden curriculum}  
 - Children will understand signals, symbols, expressions from every day happening 
Ex. In family you can behave naughty, Infront of others you might behave nicely. It is a tactic.

Acquisition of Sub-world:-
Acquisition of sub world means - Learning be in the part of the group. 
Ex: Acquisition of going to church/masjid/temple, theatre pub 

Being in phenomenal is called entagiment Individual is an Entanglement. 

Here Technologies means learning something systematically.

Technologies of production:-
- Production means manipulating things 
- Manipulating material objects in their own imagination
Ex. Moving chair as car.

Technologies of sign system:-
- Mastering of arbitrary signifier or symbols (All languages are arbitrary)
- Teaching of "CAT" World
Ex. It is an amazing move; arbitrary signifier is mastering the world.

Technologies of power:-
- We learn to picking want society us to do. (Sociological label things)
- Makes them to do which, the children don't want to do.

Technologies of self:-
Things/Activities you start doing to yourself 
Maturation after puberty, behaving like boy, Indian, Hindu, etc. 

Interaction of these two parts (Acquisition & Technologies) makes the subject/Individual 
- Emerging Parts of these 2 parts is called subject
Certain belief systen of certain classes bings the child Ex: Elite classes aid will have different practices compare to middie Classes

-Temporal continuity become reflective Identity
-One's name forms into one's concrete Identity.
-This Primary sociolidation can leads to Quasi Autonomy & Quasi Invitable.

14 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (9)

Experiential Spaces (Inner/Inter Experiential spaces) 
-Each of us is aware that How s/he reacts in a certain way. 
-S/he knows about him/her through the experience from some others.
- S/he doesn't know his/her own's reality.
- They both know each other through his/her reaction/Interaction/Experience towards him/her.
-Everyone wears a Social mask as Hindu and Poetends like Hindu Only. 
-We have experiential spaces with others (Inter-Experiential spaces) Inner self is the subject; the outer self is the object.
"Is this Book/Paper (Word) is inside you or outside you 
-This book is neither inside you (me) nor outside you (me). It is between the intersection of both inside me
-This book is outside to me, but the names & Image of the book is inside me.

Inner (Subject) =>(Inter Experiential Spaces)<= Outer (Object) 

-We are all aware this world through experiential relationships with other 
-We 1st laboriously develop our outer (object) thing & later inner experiences 
- Both inner Experiences & outer experiences are not independent
-They depend only each other simultaneously 
- We are nothing but a Participants of inner vast experiences 
- I(we) don't know about "BOOK" (OBJECT/WORLD) is existing. but we (I) am/are Just experiencing this "BOOK" (OBJECT/WORLD) not, but we (I) without knowing its entity
-S/he (Rich Man/Poor Man etc) is experiencing him/her self as world experiencing him/her in certain way.
- This inter-experiential space occurs When you forget your identity. When inner experiential space occurs, both inner (subjective) and outer (objective) will disappear.
-We are experiencing without knowing about is existence
Everything exists in inter experience plane, just we need to pull it out.

Education Experiential Spaces.
Education is Education is domain of experience (Education is a major domain of Experience) 
-What we are doing in schools means killing experiences of child, by saying this (Abstract Louter) is existing but we don't know the real existence. Who ever creates/enrichs this Inner-Experiential Space is called a teacher
-Everything will come under experience only, but classroom experience will not enrich our inner/Inter experiential space.
- Those who are comming from classroom, they were shrivelled & disgusted.
- If we are experiencing, we will get inner experimentation space.
- We need experience from Source, not only from product.

21 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (10)

Negation of experiences (Removal/ Absense of Experiences)
- We are alinating from our inner-Experiential spaces
- It leads us to the unconsciousness, Brininging you under control by external forces
- This Alination and Repression of Inner experiential spaces leads us to the "Denial of Experience")
Alination: Alinating from experience
Repression: It leads you to unconsciousness. Repress: Brining under control by force.
Denial of Experiences (DOE) (Experience = Inter experiential Spaces) 
- Denial means Refusal to accert some thing an pleasent 
- Denial of Experience brings smoothness & control over Humans experiences/ conditional experiences
-This Denial of Experience makes us to flow in a certain way and this certain normal condition/way is the condition of Alination & Repression 
- We (I) acknowledge experience through Alination & Repression
- Extreme Part of Denial of experience is virtual reality. 
- In this "DoE" Stage we don't acknowledge inner Experiential space. 
- Consequences of this virtual reality is we alinate from real world.
- In Virtual reality, the thing can be customized & modified but those are not real things. (Intersection of non-beings in beings)
Ex. Video games for real games, etc.

- Characteristics of product-oriented society don't wants many up's and downs, they want smoothness that smoothness can be given by Denial of experience, (Primitive culture + Idea of Lack = civilization) 
- The idea of lack is Part of product orientied society (Civilization) 
- We are born with full, but society creates lack-ness in you 
- In solitude, there is no lack, relations should be built over this solitude not an Lack
- I (we) weed to Acknowledge & realize this Alination/DoE Denial of Experiences controllable/Dependable systems will be the there 
- Those who want different experiences (Who don't have DoE with Alination & Regression) are thrown out of this society
-If we don't wart Denial of Experiences with Alination & Regression we need to know/remember.
P1: The Avarage condition at a human being is alination 
P2: The behaviour that comes out of alination is normalized 
P3: Unlearning: Unlearning is nothing but facing critical responsibility of experiences, taking Risks, accepting mistakes etc. 
- We need to Acknowledge & realize the Alination & Regression of experiences

Education: Nedation/Denial/Removal Absence of Experience : 
- We destroying / killing the natural Experiences of child. Destroying all Possibilities of experiences.
- Now experience is replaced with formal/Abstract knowledge or Abstract experiences by making child as a conditioned being Robot.
- We are Programmed to destroy our experiences 
- Destrustion of experience is nothing but Destructing Humans.

Teacher and Curriculum: (11)

Experience of Negation:
Experience of Denying/Absence/emtiness In Phenomenological plane, It we go to much closer to the claims, You get to know that every Claim is groundless.

The Sky is Blue
He loves his wife 
I am Professor

"What is SKY, which is in blue color, who is s/he, what is Professor
- These all claims don't have a meaning in itself, we only put! Some semantic meaning it. 
- If we deconstruct, examine the Claim Closely towards it. You can find that the basis of the claim will disappear 
- Certain emtiness/ absence will find in that claim. This is Negation.
- What separates you and I; Teacher & curriculum: etc.
Thoughts, Features Ideologies, experiences, actions, etc. (These all are made for social purposes only)
- If all this can be deconstructed, then what separates us/self from others "Nothing" Not a Thing separates us 
- In this deconstructive stage, I can experience the other completly & fully without any obstacles.
- These all social masks for social purposes only made for Social Security - We are always shouting for security, which really doesn't exist.

Education- Negation of experience:-
- If the teacher removes his/her mask, so not a thing will separate teacher and curriculum. - Nothing separates Teacher & curriculum. In a Nothing stage, it is full & complete.
- Curriculum is the teacher and the Teacher is the Curriculum.  
- Curriculum (Object) is emerging from the lived experiences of the subject.
- Teacher is also the product of his internalization of his experiences 

Curriculum - Appearance of lived experiences (World/Object) & 
Teacher - Appearance lived experiences (Self/Subjects) There is no difference in between them

If teacher removes his/her the Teacher and Curriculum
M. Heidegger - There is Nothing to be taught
James Baldwin - Every writer has one thing to say, but he Says & Show in different ways and perspectives
All Creations come from Nothingness

- Whoever creates or enriches this Inner-Experiential Space is a teacher 
- Whoever creates to enriches this Inner-Experiential space is a Curriculum. 
- Everything exists in inter-experiential space. we need to pull it out.

The child doesn't have social power, Adults have social power. 
- Social Power is not inherent, it is completely Abstract without Inter-Experiential space.

- we need Inter/Inner Experiential space to experience "Negation" & Nothing Being is a microcosm, Nothing is a macrocosm.

29 Aug 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (12)

Masks in the Social World:
- Africans have a culture of wearing Masks. By wearing that mask they take different personalites of that mask; if they remove the mask, they leave that Personality.

- Like this, we all are also wearing different Social (Abstract) masks.
- Name mask, class mask, caste mask Gender, religion, tastes, likes masks etc.
- If we remove these all masks Nothing is inside this.

-If two bodies with no social masks/blocks, then two Nothing meet eact other fully.
- Each Nothing occupies Nothing. This Stage Creates/give Place for Inner Experitial space this is also a Place for transdental feeling.

-There is a danger, when suden or random transcendental experience occurs. 
- Centre of being is ego - when transcendental experience occurs the ego (centre) shifts of misplaces them nothing only remains..
Here task is not to learn, but to unlearn.

04 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (13)
Phenomenological Curriculum 
Self-Disclosed Entities

Deconstructive Critiques:- 

Inner Experiential Spaces certainty
-Doesn't influence by beliefs 


Nothing is Here
Phenomenological Object/World/ Curriculum: Subject / Self / Teacher -Characterizing phenomenological World/ Tools of Phenomenological Curriculum. - There is no binaries will be there, 
Here no binaries will be there, here certainty with deconstruction.
1) Poetizing Subject/Object: 
- The task of the teacher is to make space for child to experience, what the poet has experience
- Where there is no gap between the core of Poem (or any formal content) 
- Poetizing activity is an aesthetic rendering of experience not an Mechanization of curriculum / Teacher
- Phenomenological curriculum is an poetizing activity.
2) Dramatizing Subject/Object:
- Dramating means Bringing life or putting life into a Subject/Object, Bringing or Putting life into Knocoleige / Person 
- Deeply Penetrating the subject into the children - dealing with Subject in conversational way
3) Observation / Thoughtfulness:  
- Constant awareness of thoughts & actions.
- Conscious on the way of mind works & Body actions
- Consciousness on thought is meditation. If you meditate realize the reality/entity & truth 
4) Bracketing:
- Bracketing means putting aside or separating. Experience as fresh 
- Not Looking at the world, the way we are used to.
- Bracketing is an Psychological effort, "All the previous history which experienced, need to keep in Bracket & see the life with new lens & new experiences.
- We should not Judge, based on pervious experiences.
5) Skepticism: (The more you question, the more you learn) 
- To be able to doudt Values, social positions, knowledge, Practices, all conventional way of transactions 
- Being Constantly skeptical about these transactions, to not accept it is given, (Not accepting domination by knowledges etc)
- You can accept in social plane not in pschological plane.
6. No knowledge for knowledge's Sake: 
No need for meaningless knowledge, just for the sake of knowledge - knowledge is there for enriching the possibility of experiencing. Don't insert useless knowledge into the mind for knowledge's sake.
7. Situationism:  
- Situationism understanding latitude & longitude of any situation & locate Yourself accordingly. 
-Highly aware of the situation, you are in it and adopting to act accordingly.
- Making an appropriate adjustment to Present situation 
Ex. Don't go to a rural area with an urban mind, Here we need to go into the change according to situation.
8. Biographic situation:
- Biographic situation means understanding one's life world (Own Life World) 
- In Biographic situation a teacher is also a student. S/he is a Student of life. (Everyone is the student of life)
-Our History is our life world", understanding history to understand reactions at Present.
- We are the walking history. 
- What we see/do depends upon what we are "If we understand the background, then you understand Present.
- Curriculum is emerging from the lived experiences of the students/Teachers / Individuals 
-If you meditate then you understand Biography. Meditate means "conscious on the thought Process from source".

05 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (14)

Three Elements of Phenomenological Curriculum
1) Deconstruction - A Radical Critique
2) Phenomenology- Examination of Experience/ Re-Experience
3) Hermeneutics - Interpretation (No Final Meaning)

Hermeneutic tools:-
Hermeneutics is coming from Jewish tradition. 
- Hernes is a mediator between God & Human (Christianity) 
"Hermeneutics means Not finished & ultimate understanding"
- Interpreting & Reinterpretating experience/knowledge to understand, re-understand What has occured.

Tools of Heomenutics:- (To understand conditioning; How & Why we are in conditioning)

1) Historicizing: (To Awaken our historical consciousness) 
- Developing historical Consciousness of self, To understand that I am the product of History; ever History 
- Self is walking "History"
- Phenomenological/Heomenutic curriculum => Experiential Knowledge.
Ex. Not Just "Celebrate festival" mechanically, but understanding the different narratives behind /inside it. Which one open up the understanding of a whole lot of other aspects like sociological, political, cultural aspects behind it.
- Also Learning a lot about the author & his/her insight 
- Learning about constitution - What is meant by constitution, How are they constituted ?

2) Phronesis : (Practical Wisdom)
- Phronesis means focus on concrete experiences 
- Having a sense of "Practical Wisdom" or Practical intelligence, opposite word for this phronesis is Sophia "Theoritical Wisdom" 
Ex: An abstract understanding of "flower" is given in textbook contrasting with direct. sensory experience of a flower by touching/feeling it

3) Dialogue/Multiloque:
Heomenutics activity is not a monologue, but it comes with Dialogue/Discussion with many others. Dialogue/Multiloque enriches interpretations of experiences. Discussion with yourself is Dialogue, & other thinkers is a multiloque

11 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (15)

4) Interpretation
- In hermeneutics Interpretation is primary a thing. 

4.1) Literal interpretation: 
Taking words as its face value (Exactly What they devote). Understanding things literally.

4.2) Alegorical interpretations:- 
Explains the content in the form of Symbolic things (Stories, fables, etc) 
Ex: Tortoise rabit story to teach Slow and study wins the race

4.3) Topological interpretations:- 
To understand something in terms of something
- Trope is a certain kind of narrative and Part of one ideology
- A Narrative that is symbolic, particular ideology
- In Single idealogy several tropes will be there. These tropes are recognised by/in the public domain itself.
- Viewing this classroom in feminism trope, Gandhian trope etc.

4.4) Anagogical Interpretations:
- Interpretating in terms of symbols or symbolic structure 
- More deeper interpretations to keep decoding symbol 
- Author of every text has a reason to write what he writes (To dig into those meanings)
- Ex: Tortoise & rabit story, why they put rabbit only, why not other animal; Why Jesus Projected in a certain position in the cross.

4.5) Inter textual Interpretations:
- Comparison of one text to understand one text 
- Comparing two texts for getting an under standing 

How are these types of interpretation important to understand curriculum ?
- To understand learning
- To move from dixed to fluid 
- To Constantly keep enquiring into texts, narratives, experiences 
- For to uncover the curriculum, not "Covering" the curriculum 
- Setting objectives is actually technicizing or mechanising the education.

5) Language: 
prepatic teaching: Walking & Learning without sticking to Something 
- Language can be highly disabling, enabling us.
- Objectives Planning, management, Vision, mission, etc. limits your way of thinking.
- Language has semantic meaning only
- Hermeneutics involves decoding this language to understand hidden Semantic field.
- We need to orient ourselves. Orient means to face something

6. Community
- Hermeneutics is never done in an isolated manner 
- It is with constant debates and discussions. 
- All hermeneutic practices are communitarian practices
- Community is there to care & concern for others, ideas, thoughts & Existence
- Trying to understand a particular narrative or Part of text by discussing in a community with everyone's ideas & perspectives on it.
- Here you only understand what you love.

12 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (16)

Thoughts flow like waves, which are not Constant 
(Waves/Thoughts will be there everytime, same previous Waves/Thoughts will not be constant every time)
"Where do thoughts come from? "What & where is the Ground?" "Where do thoughts go/flow?" "what is the substance of thought?" 
-We all are surrounded by waves of thoughts (Disturbances) 
-We know "Product/Modification of thoughts", but we don't know Where how thoughts comes from.

-All civilization trash is the product of thoughts.
- We know Product / modification of thoughts 
A) materialistic thoughts 
Objective - Railways, computers, Dress, houses, etc 
B) Non materialistic thoughts
Subjective: Fear from beating, anger from Scolding, comfort from Ac's etc 
- We all are addressing Product of thoughts, Not on source of thoughts (We are addressing waves not the water) to regulate flow of thoughts/waves.
- If we know Source of thoughts, you can control thought.
- We know surface things, than the Source. 
- We know product/modification of origin of thoughts.
- Modification of thoughts keep us busy with surface things.
- The Surface of thoughts are like sociological identies "Name, age, sex, Gender, religion, caste, likes, dislikes, etc.
- These surface things are only explained by words. Origin sources are intuitive feelings
- Product is important. but Source is very important.

18 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (17)

Phenomenological Teaching & Curriculum 
-Phenomenological - Actual Experiences orienting the Microcosm towards Macrocosm 
-Microcosm- means Individual & therr relationship with some thing 
-Macrocosm - Vast organic individual being/self as the larger whole

•In Phenomenal Plane Teacher is the Curriculum & Curriculum is the Teacher. - Teacher & Curriculum both are the record of "Journey ofwhole lite experiences"

Phenomenological subject teaching & curriculum (Briefly) 
Mathamatis- The logical way of being
Science - Observation & Experimentation of spaces; species, etc. along time
Language- Expression 
a) Internal - Thought 
b) External - Talk
Art- Transforming of Object/Subject 

Public domains of knowledge
Maths: Examining irrationalities
- Teaching maths not only to teach logic, but to teach a logical way of being
- Operationalizing logicality - By examining irrationalities in our daily life, action of logic is instead
Ex. Explaining a personal conflict through algebra & deducing a way to resolve it 
- Examining irrationalities, "Deconstruction" is recurved.
Ex. Examining irrationalities in the "Constitution" deconstruction of constitution is required to examine how we are destroying the Forest in the name of urbanization. It is an illogical thing & we are doing theory in a logical manner. which logic is to "The orientation towards maths is to make, logical way of being"
- We can't inject logic directly into a being but we can show the gap between logic & illogic, 

Science: Finding similarities, differences & correlations 
- Science can be taught in a way, to make the child become a good "Observer". Observer of time, space species, etc. 
- Oberservation is leading to open inquiry, but conventional teaching is (Passing the Closed knowledge) Covering the knowledge.
- Before Jumping into Abstract theories, you need open enquiry.
- After observation we can make hypothesis to understand Similarities, differences, co-relations etc.
- In Schools we are focusing on observation of/on content" than observation on observer 

Language: Expansion of Expressions/communication. 
- Teaching the language is to expand the possibilitie of expression & expressing Communication through narratives, stories, drama, theatre (Involves motion of the body); Poetry; listening, Reading, writing etc.
- Listening is the most important thing in this; children are naturally good listeners. 
- Expressing emotions in a Rhythm - Going in logical way -

Arts: Transformation of a being/thing
- Art means not copying the things; It is a great deal of thoughtfulness.
- In art Pedagogy "Nothing to do with Judgment" but only engagement with art.
- In normal conventional teaching - Teaching art only as copying/ interpretating others work. 
- Arts Material transformation / Being trans formation.

19 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (18) 

Auto- Reflexivity
Bio- Life 
Graphia - Record
Auto biography = Reflexive record of Life (Entity)

How Entity is made of? (Recood of Life is through......) 
History (Major Parameters) Experiences, Habits, Affinities/Addicted, fantasies, expectations (orienting toward future), behaviour /attitude organic make up (Different Voices, finger Points, etc.), etc. etc.

Self = Summation of all the above characteristics 
Biographic functions→Entity = Functions of characteristics

E = F(X1 X2 X3, ...... Xn ); Opacity to Translucant Dimension
- Every one is a space, time, history,... Record of some thing. 
"What we see/do depends on what we are"
- These all make up the interior knowledge. This interior knowledge makeup/cover the curriculum.
- Phenomenology involves unfolding this interior knowledge.

- Why should one unfold his/her auto biography & why should one engage in auto biographical enquiry?

-To Liberates his/her thoughts. 
-To realese some Potential
- This Auto biographic knowledge helps in linking the out side knowledge with inside knowledge.
- This auto biography helps to see the things/beings as they are these illusions damaging our growth 
- Self understanding is not happen in Isolation; It is in relationship with other.
- I am not the same person as yesterday, everyday / every second I am changing (my all these functions are ever changing, that makes us new)
-These changes are more psychological than physical 
- Curriculum means literally Journey of life, which includes all.

25 Sep 2017
Teacher and Curriculum: (19)

Biographic function ---->
Biographic situations
- Curriculum is a Biographic adventure  
- We are the walking curriculum, we are the walking history of knowledge 
- Biographic situation you are "Observing the observer". Generally we do research on outside/other persons. Here for Phenomenological curriculum we need to do research on inside subjects

Bio-graphic functions = Psycho Analytical Process 
How should one perform the Bio-Graphic function.
1) Regressive 
2) Progressive-
3) Anaistical 
4) Synthetical

(1) Regressive: (Past)
Give back into your own history/memories/experiences and asking the question to self about why you did & what you did; And Answering those questions with unflinching honesty. 
- Going back to the Past experiences, memories thoughts etc. If you do this you get so many Questions & try to answer those we need to push as deep as possible. with ou without any interference.
- This Step reveals deep structure with thick description.
- Find the language to express the answers to the regressive questions you ask.
- We need to struggle to express the maddle (గజిబిజి), consused problems 
- In begining, you will be hypocritical & biased, but hold on, go head with your enquiry with your self, you will be shed off your hypocrisy 
- If we are honest/serious they come up like soda bubbles to surface and they end up. Reveal, Express, move on your self.
- This Process liberates you from Past grips that sticked you.
- This helps in loosing your past, then you become Fresh (Bracketing Past experiences to start new)
Example:- Go back into your school history, and ask question why I didn't like maths or why I didn't like that teacher or other factor like friends family etc.
This step involves thick education, Past

(2) Progressive: Future
- Forward looking process- Imaginative Process
- Looking deeper into my real desires, aspirations for future.
(This is not concrete like Regressive Process) 
- It is about asking honest Questions "why I am doing this" & "How it will help me". 
- This Questions help you in tracing our selves. It makes exhaust all Possibilities of life.
- It reaveals inner tendencias (What/which/ who driving us)
- Record the different Possible trajectories (What hides behind the trajectories - socially constructed own expectations, others expectations.

3) Analytical: Present 
Analytical process is looking at the present.
-It needs intense interrogation of the present 
- Questioning my present habits, thoughts, gestures, feelings. expectations, etc. Examples: who am I? what is this present moment, what I am doing? Where I am located in the present moment? What I am thinking? etc. 

4) Synthetical: 
- Practical integration towards meanings, Re-enter into the Living Present from ido- centric to archetypal (Random ----> largest type)
- Synthesis of the all above (Regressive, progressive, Analytic) enquires to identify patterns.
- Archetypal examples - Driven by economic, regions; economic, truth, salvation desires

Why do all this Psychoanalytical process (Bio-graphic function) 
- It removes the Psychic blockage of self, helps Finite in in join with infinite.
- Alination Comes from blockedness: If we will not do this Psycho analytic process, we alinate our selves from "What we are"
- It help us to go near to geniune need.

Teacher and Curriculum: (20)
Pedagogic Tact/Life Tact:-
Tacts of pedagogy:
Pedagogic Intent
Pedagogic situation
Pedagogic relation
Pedagogic action
Pedagogic intuition

If a fan is in rotation, we see all 3 or 4 wings as one wing. Like this only "Pedagogic tact" also work

1) Pedagogic Intent:- 
- Bringing up a child not in an instrumental manner. to become thing, but make the child develop aesthetically & ethically. 
- Ethical means concerned with others (Personal obligations) Obligation - something that must be done because of law.
- Pedagogic intent should always be such that it leads to "Livable Society, major focus on Livability.
- Intent means a purpose of work
Ex. If a boy thinks that food is coming from Super Markets doesn't know the life of an farmer & doesn't know what it takes to bring food on table. The child will have to concern & Care for the farmers out there. Such a child will not develop to build a livable Society, 
- Teachers task is to familiarize the child with these reality of life (Sources for basic life)
- Teachers task is to show mutiple perspectives of some issues.
- Lets children make choices on the basis of their own choice 
-Teacher should not teach their doctrination to child
- If everybody says I am 1st in Physical /social world, there will be no livable Society. Long term selfishness leads to zero Variability 
- We need to concern about our thoughts, action & behaviour. 

2) Pedagogic Situation
Deconstruction of the usual units - Teacher, students & curriculum and the creation of all 3-Teacher students & curriculum are in symphony.
- Curriculum in Teacher & Teacher in Curriculum that means Teacher is curriculum & curriculum is teacher.

3) Pedagogic relations
-Pedupopic relation through Reflextive relations (Emphatic Behaviour/Mirror image of our-selves)
- Reflexive (Not reflective) self seen through others.
- Reflexivity brings emphathy (Seeing others problems as our own problems...) 
- Once I am aware of "my-self" then when I see child a fresh & complete, otherwise an "unexamined Person" doesn't see the other in an unbiased way but look at them in judgementally.
(Unexamined thoughts/action will give Judgemental errors)

4) Pedagogic Action
Laws of Reason (Deals with Experience) + Mature Intuition (Deals with Source)
- Teachers task is to take the child through the "Empirical" to "Source" .
- Islamic, Hinduism Teacher, etc has source (Source of inspirations) but we are focusing on experience. 
- If we cut the source of live/Life, then there is no life Product. If we cut the roots of tree (or) stop putting water- then there is no life for tree, By cutting & thinking about the tree to grow is rediculous. 
- So with all Intutions, mature intutions, Life will die.

These four Pedagogic elements (Intent, situation, Relation & action) will make up the "pedagogic tact". These elements are moving like one in a dynamic way, Just like blades of fan, is it (fan) rotates all looks like big one.

Teacher and Curriculum: (21)
Understanding of Intuition:-
Understanding of Intuition (Matured/Pedagogic Intuition)  
- Intuition means generally Intrinsic knowledge.
- For a Product/Result "Initial Spark" is an intuition. Intuition is a main source for results and remaing will become experiences.
- Intuitions have to be examined by self only.
- Intuition is an instinct

Intuition in religious terms:- 
- Vedic Hinduism- pratyaksha 
- Islam Hads, Mushads
- Christianity walking in the spirit

Interrogate the observer 
Interrogate the observed
Both Delicate empiricism

Intuition in secular terms 
- Starts by rejecting Commonsense/ Perceptions/Understandings (Natural Attitude)
- Questioning common sense Perceptions
- Questioning the ontology of things 
- Looking at ontology- what exists? what I am learning about?
(Going Beyond Epistemology) 
Limits the understanding in linguistic terms 
"Looking at Flower without word "Flower" in mind" 
- We can see the body, but can't see the Individual (concept)
"Observe the observer"
- Interrogate the observer Interrogate the observed
- When we are operating mature intuitions, it always be in Psychic which is beyond body & concert. If we in psychic level (Mature Intutions), there will be fluidity"
- Feeling is an unmature state of Intuition, feelings are ever-changing 
- We might formally understand maths, science, social, etc. but we may not intuitionally understand maths science, social, etc
For Intuition, we need to start Questioning (Deconstructing) the body, concept (Individual) things in a psychic level 
- This process will not happen in a single night, It is a Gradual Patience Process of " Law of Reason + Law of non-reason = Transcendental".


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