
Showing posts from April, 2023

Memories in Mind

🌈📧📜 Memories in Mind/మనసులో జ్ఞాపకాలు చాలా క్షణాలను ఏ కెమెరా చిత్రీకరించకపోయినా,  అందులోని కొన్ని అనుభవాలను  మది జ్ఞాపకాలుగా ముద్రవేసుకుంది. Many moments are not  captured by any camera,  In those some experiences are  imprinted in mind as memories. 💭⚖️🙂📝@🌳 Energy Enjoy Entity అమృత ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 

Self (I & Me)

"Self" is the Organized Combination of "I" & "Me" "I is the product (Process) of subjectivity"; "Me is the product (Process) of objectivity" ------------ 'I' is intrinsic inherent in nature. which can be seen by you only through your personal experiences.  Thoughts, Memories, Feelings, etc. are  concrete characteristics of 'I' While 'Me' is Extrinsic in Nature, which can be seen in the form of Abstract/Objects by you and others.  Ex. You are Sukesh, that is known to you. Here 'I' is working.  You will prove yourself as Sukesh through by showing your ID card, etc. Here 'Me' is working. Here I and Me are equally mutually integrated with each other through self (Experiences of Life). 💭⚖️🙂📝@🌳 Energy Enjoy Entity అమృత ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 

Nature Wisdom (ప్రకృతి జ్ఞానం )

Nature - Wisdom "When we have the heart to see and enjoy the beauty of nature, that nature is very wonderful " Wisdom is the core tool for us to explore the secrets of nature, which give us experience. In this experience, intelligence proposes some truth.  After understanding nature's virtues through various media, we are able to change that nature in our favor. For example, the fire burns us, but through our wisdom we are using fire to protect ourselves from cold.  Scientists / philosophers have known the limits of sensual knowledge. If it was dependent only on the knowledge of the senses, today we don't not have electricity and brain powers. You can't know what elements are there in the sky for creation. Scientist/ philosophers have provided thousands of tools to expand sensory knowledge. Scientific/Spiritual knowledge has developed so much that scientists and philosophers have followed some rules. Those rules become shackles of knowledge during the performing a

Curriculum Studies

10-Jan-2017 Curriculum Studies (1) The starting point of any curriculum is the present state of the child, where the child is at the moment. Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy aims are the same, but Process is different. These are based on the paradigm. It is applicable to the curriculum also. but the treatment to the curriculum. Curriculum paradigms/Approaches/Model: (Epistemic Analysis) 1) Curriculum as Managerial/Technical paradigm 2) Process-oriented (or) Constructivist model 3) critical or praxeological model 4) Transformative or Emancipatory model  (Emphasis is different between these all models) --- 1)Managerial/Technical Approach: - This is all about Product orientation (Completion of the syllabus as a goal). It is a factory model. The curriculum is done with managerial things/values that are - Planning (Paying down objectives) - Organization (Rules, Regulations, Training, hierarchy, Distribution of roles, etc.) -Performance measurement (Evaluation Assessment) - Control (Us

Kathopanishad (25-Apr-2017)

Book Review:  Kathopanishad  The Story of small boy Nachiketha  (The Discussion Between Lord Yama & Nachiketha) Introduction Book Review is a critical evaluation of the text. The most important element of the book review is commentary not a summary. It allows us to enter into a dialogue/discussion with others. In review, we get a concise summary of the text, offer a critical statement of the text, and suggests something to that text. In this reviewer have to state his opinion clearly. Introduction about Kathopanishad Kathopanishad is a mythological Upanishad book (for emancipation) from one of the 108 Upanishad’s. These 108 Upanishads are taken from four Vedas.  This book comes under Yajurveda (which is under one of four Veda’s) particularly in Krishna Yajurveda. In this Kathopanishad there are three sections. This book is also called as “Dialogue with Death”. This book is story of a small legendary child called “Nachiketha”. Most parts of this book is covered with conversations be

Teacher and Curriculum Notes

17 Jul 2017 Teacher & Curriculum (1) Introduction: -World view is a philosophical view of life. It may differ from Individual to Individual. Naturally, world view is in Nuturalized Position (Some people don't see it as a world view, they see as a Natural view). First we all accepts our parents world view. We born into a world view. All knowledge is existing in world itself. Sociology of knowledge is real; sociology of knowledge is core for Teacher (subject - Individual) & curricarum (object - Society) Sociology of knowledge = Sociology of Reality Ones own knowledge = ones own reality My knowledge = My Reality That means something that exists is worth pursuing. Reality (Some thing that exists) is worth persuing knowledge. World View comes from subjective & objective realities Construction of Objective Reality (Curriculum/Knowledge): Appearance of the world (Curriculum) is objective reality it focus on outer world. It is observed. "What exists" is reality here C