
Showing posts from 2018

Arts Aesthetics Authentic Education

⚛️🛞🪷 💭⚖️🙂📝@🌳 Arts Aesthetics Authentic Education Arts Aesthetics Authentic Education paper is an observational rational interpretative analytical report on Education Acknowledgment: First and foremost I’m gratified and grateful to Azim Premji University for giving awareness on varied subjects in multiple dimensions and also for giving me space to reflect and develop on my traits. Furthermore and eminently express my thankfulness to “The Valley School” for giving me this free precious opportunity to become part of the organization as an “Informal Intern Associate”.  I respect my mentor Mr. Amman Madan for guiding and supervising my internship. I do appreciate him, for sharing his knowledge and thoughts, by questioning me and guiding me on the right path in my internship process. I convey my gleeful gratitude towards Professor Kaustuv Roy, my friends, and also all participants in the internship site, children, teachers, management, etc. for their support in completing my internship

🙂Love Letter 💌

My Dear favorite people,  My thoughts are in very vague state. With some intense enthusiasm I am writing this email, It is slightly associated with some small strong transcendental empirical feelings by thinking/feeling about you all. I feel very happy by think about you and your memories. Now I am not able to imagine my APU life without you all and your memories.  Some parts of my heart is filled with your memories, through some awesome empirical past experiences from you all. It is some kind of amazing feeling for me. I have some special interest ( a feeling of learning from you) on you all.   I don't know about this vague state of thoughts and it's time period, but I want to name this relation as LOVE in FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP.  I don't know why, but I am interested in sharing this with you. I Love You, Based on my past experiences I am sharing this, not by thinking/imaging about future. NOTE: Be Careful Lovely past memorable times in our life will not return back forever