4G Rockzz 2018 Discussion

23 Nov 2018 to 26 Nov 2018

A Woman says to GOD: “I don't want to marry. I am educated, independent, and self-sufficient.  I don't need a husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What do I do?”. 
GOD replied: “You are my finest creation and undoubtedly you will achieve great things. But somethings inevitably will not go the way you want. Somethings will go wrong. Sometimes you will fail. Then who will you blame?  Will you blame yourself?”
Woman: “NO...”
GOD: “That's why you need a husband!” . 

Then the Man says to GOD: “But then what will I do? Who will I blame?”
GOD: “Your scope is much wider son. You can blame the education system, the legal system, the traffic, the environment, the economy, the politicians, the bureaucrats, the infrastructure, Modi, or even ME. But... Never ever Blame your wife”.
Valli Akka Aus(R): పెళ్లి కాకముందే బాగా అర్థం చేసేసుకున్నావ్. సూపర్ 

Pardhu Anna(R): ఏంటి ర ఇది

Valli Akka Aus(R): ఏ అన్నయ్య కాదంటావా 

Pardhu Anna(R): అదే conclusion కి రాలేకపోతున్న

Valli Akka Aus(R): తొందరగా వచ్చాయ్. అదే Better 🤭

Srinivas Babai(R): ఏమైంది రా భార్గవా??, ఏంటి ఈ తొందరా, అప్పుడే conclusion కి వచ్చినట్టు ఉన్నావు పెళ్లి అంటే. Job లో చేరాక conclusion కి వచ్చినట్టు ఉన్నావ్!

Bhargav(R):  Noooo, I didn't come to any conclusion, because It's just a Stereotypical thought of someone for fun sake.

Srinivas Babai(R): అంతే కదా, ఐతే ok లే Bhargava 

Bhargav(R): Very happy to see all your humorous comments on that post.

Vamsi Annaiya(R): భార్గవ! జాగ్రత. ఈ గ్రూప్ లో చాలామంది పెళ్ళైన వాళ్లే.......

Bhargav(R): I don't have any fear or worry from this married people, because that married (Family) people only protected me till now with the shield of acceptance. 

Srinivas Babai(R): Wah Wah ఏమి సెప్పినావురా Bhargava, ఏది ఏమైనా నువ్వు కేక రా.

Valli Akka Aus (R): 🤣

Bhargav(R): Thanks for seeing in that way.

Srilekha(R): Nanna..Theory very practicals veru... You will realise only when you experience in this specific. Regard 

Bhargav(R):  Hi Srilekha Akka, Thanks for your response with such a pleasing word "Nanna". I will happily accept your conclusion ("You will realize only, when you experience in specific") with my level best action towards experience. But it is little bit difficult for me to accept the statement "Both theory and practicality are different" Because Theory (Abstract) and Practical (Concrete) are not separate in nature, they are "organically" inter-related with each other simultaneously. 

Explanation based on current learning levels: Language, Country, Religion (GOD) etc. essential things are initially an abstract (Non-figurative) in nature; by adding meaning to it, by including social experiences in it, this abstract slowly became theory (A well substantiated explanation) and that theory slowly became practical (concrete) in nature. Based on our past conscious experiences we can easily understand some of Telugu and English language words. By seeing the words, itself we can get to know characteristics of those things easily. Example: A word Apple doesn't have real Apple, but by seeing those abstract (Theoretical) Telugu/English language word of Apple, we can easily remember real (concrete and practical) Apple. Here both theoretical and practical are inter-related through the accepting of common social experiences.

Susmitha Akka(R): Bhargav...i appreciate your thoughts and your capability of framing your thoughts into concrete words and also your grip over language is superb.

Priya Akka USA(R): చెప్పగా మన ఇంటి sashi tharoor, I can't understand in first reading,. 
Susmitha Akka(R): అవును akka correcte

Katya Vadina(R): Good morning all... నిజమే అక్క super talent bhargav కి కానీ మరి deep గా ప్రతిది think చేస్తున్నాడేమో కదా

Priya Akka USA(R): Logical and analysis ఎక్కువ చేస్తున్నాడు, చూడాలి sashi tharoor లాగా scholar ఐతే మంచిదే కానీ మరి ఎక్కువగా ఆలోచనలు వస్తే normal people కి కొంచెం ఇబ్బంది. We don't know what is the future. Hoping all the best for him. 

Bhargav(R): Thanks a lot Susmita akka, Priya akka, Katya Vadina for adding your meaning and feeling into those abstract words and making it into a report for me. (Vamsi Annaiya, I am very specially thanking you, because I feel and sense that, you are my best critical-analyser to make myself to independently fit into this social world). Thanks for your feedback too 

Vamsi Anna(R): God bless

Chandu Anna(R): Barghav , ఇంత analysis చేయగల ability is very blessed. Now you made me to think, what will be the right career option for you.


Energy Enjoy Entity 
అమృత అనంద అస్తిత్వం


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