“Rabindranath Tagore on Education”- My Notes

“Rabindranath Tagore on Education”
Tagore is a poet having artistic mind. Tagore main points on child & education
1) Nature is the best teacher
2) Adults has driven by profit and purpose
3) We are treating children as Mini Adults
4) Power without truth is dangerous (it will corrupt)
5) Objective of education is to awake sensibility (Self Knowledge)
6) Learning should be authentic
7) Education is preparing for completion of life through honest, creativity, hard work & etc. (Told by KaliDas)
8) We should not teach children directly but we to create an environment to study
9) Sense of belongingness & authorship
10) A child is a flower it always wants to be open, it wants surprises
11) Adult is fruit means close-minded
Thoughts of Education: - (Principles of Pedagogy to educate)
1) Freedom of Mind:- The ability to arrive at an independent decision
2) Freedom of Heart:- Become creative in your relations without world
3) Freedom of will:- Authentic goals & aspirations
Pure consciousness: - Every human being consciously or unconsciously participate in this. It is basic for eastern philosophy (అనుభూతి)
Mental Screen: - It is a mirror. It is an obstacle. It is full of thoughts, desires, feelings etc.
Phenomenal World: - It is called world of change. It is a flux
Through TAPAS (తపస్సు) it means heat. Through tapas we can clean mental screen
Human life is offered as a fuel to create technology. We are thinking that material is the surplus of human being, but it is not real surplus. Children are sensitive, they are influenced by world. Child can’t learn as adults because they are sensitive. Children learns the world that we can’t explain them.
School master: - Modern education is killing the liberty to do things. Adults imposing their thoughts on children (By thinking its good). Those who are mischievous then nature only gives punishment. Human interference is not necessary. We came to world to accept it & knowing it not to change it. Education is the permanent part of adventurous life. Teacher is to act as a learner not as a teacher.
The Sprit of freedom: - Great education is not to know outside, to know inside (Freedom of self & self-knowledge). Personality is language of heart. Our life is offered as a fuel to technology.

Energy Enjoy Entity
అక్షర ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం


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