Notes on “Aurobindo's Education”

“Aurobindo on Education”

The ultimate divine manhood is paramardha (పరమార్థ) & Purushardha (పురుషార్థ). 
Nature of its own and a law of nature is Swabhava (స్వభావ) & Swadharma (స్వధర్మ) and embodied.

The Human Mind: 
Human Mind is a wood or stone to sculpt. It is a sensitive organism which can’t be force to get shape. Eyes, ears. Kidney Heart & every part in our human body (except mind) is following their rules. Mind is also a body part it can also work according to time. No teaching is necessary for this. It all will follow their swadharma.

Tree Principles of Human Mind:-
1) True teaching is can’t be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or task master, he is just a helper or guide. 
2) Mind has to be consulted in its own growth. The idea of hammering the child is a ignorant superstition.
3) Education is to work from near to far

The Power of Mind:  
The instrument of educationalist is Mind or AnthahaKarana (అంతఃకరణ). Which has four layers 
1) Manas- Sensory data
2) Chitta- Memory (records everything)
3) Bhuddi- Intellect (real instrument of thought)
4) Ahankara- Ego (Process of I making)

Moral Nature: 
Mental Nature is balanced & rested on moral nature. It means actual physical status of world. All phenomena is impermanent (అనిత్యం). Moral Nature is rest on these 3 things 
1) Emotion- (భావం)
2) Nature- (స్వభావం)
3) Formed Habits- (సంస్కారం)
We have to attend these 3 to learn Moral Nature. It we can’t teach directly, but it can be teach indirectly through conversations, reading books, auto biographies & etc. We don’t stretch beyond the experiences. Teachers have to follow what they are saying. Ontological knowledge and understanding creates for moral action. According to me nature is always choice less.

Simultaneous and successive Teaching: 
The Parcel of knowledge (Textbook) is not show impact (don’t teach in snippets). Start with your own mother tongue. Introduce several languages later. Every language has deep structure, we have to learn mother tongue strongly then it will help in learning other languages. Children have to work on things, not have to work on description. Child wants to be scientific in nature. Don’t give finished thing to them, give the things to know what that is. Don’t kill child curiosity & don’t give 2nd hand things. Children are the philosophers. We can’t answer the metaphysical questions.

Training of senses: - (సాధన) (6 senses which minister to knowledge) 
Senses are always pure. We can’t educate senses. Senses are physically perfect from birth. We have to train to remove obstacles. The obstruction of senses is fear, emotions, desires etc. the refining of senses is done through Sadhana (సాధన). Through Sadhana we will get pure or Shuddi (శుద్ధి). 
Sense Improvement by practice: - (అభ్యాసం):- Another cause of inefficacy of the senses as gather of knowledge. We don’t observe with sufficient attention and closeness. Through Abyasa or natural practice we can improve sense.

Individual:- National:- Universal:-
(Received Things)
Individual as a social, political, Physical & etc.  Efficient, Geo-political, Nation-State etc. Economic & international trades
(Native Things)
Know yourself, Who are you? SwaDharma & Swabhava Universal Sprit (Realization), Global humanity strives for freedom (మోక్షము).

Conventional:-  Aurbindo:-
1) Focus on knowledge
2) Curriculum is fixed
3) Work from Far to Near 1) Focus on instruments of knowledge
2) Consult mind in its own growth
3) Work from Near to Far

Energy Enjoy Entity
అక్షర ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 


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