Notes on Book Pluralist Society- A Gandhian Perceptive: - {George Pattery}”

My Notes on

“Pluralist Society- A Gandhian Perceptive: - {George Pattery}”

Indian Society:- India was viewed by these two issues
1) Caste Based:- Brahminical Hierarchy based on caste system
2) Religion Based:- Eternal conflicts between Hindus & Muslims. {Both are fabricated by the west}

When India is struggling with these two master narratives they (British) are silent. (Both are creations of West only) Now a day’s political agenda can’t get beyond these stereotyped understandings. It is relegating all other agencies to backward.

Community as a Sociological Perceptive:-
A constructed or imagined society consists of members who don’t know each other in their concrete existence, they demand allegiance from people. & In Traditional societies, communities with multiple levels of relationships and moral agencies exist.

Gandhian Social Theory:-
Gandhian social vision can be seen as one such primordial model for taking care of plural identities. The Development of social theory had two phases (1) Deconstruction & (2) Reconstruction.
Mahatma Gandhi wants to deconstruct the 2 master narratives & reconstruct them based on Swaraj. This was not simply for an attempt at political freedom from the colonial master, but also for deconstructing Indianness & Indian society from colonial constructing (the colonial construct of Indianness & Indian society Indian Psyche). The cultural deconstruction from colonial contract occupied much of Gandhi struggle. He appealed to the “Primordial traditions” of India. He distinguished primordialism as a strategic reference to a golden age in order to revive Hinduism. The Master symbol for this is “SWA RAJ”.

Swaraj means self-rule. He elaborated his social theory on truth & non-violence. The 2 pillars of Ideal Society is (1) Genuine Freedom (Based on truth & non-violence) &(2) Selfless action (Through suffering to achieve that freedom).

Swaraj: It consists of striving for total freedom on a national scale that will guarantee real self-dependence. The pedagogy of Swaraj is Fearless action & self-suffering. The aim of Swaraj is every village have self-sufficient & sustainable. And Swaraj was rested in these three (1) Swadeshi, (2) Sarvodaya & (3) Satyagraha
Swadeshi: Swaraj implies Swadeshi that is at hominess. Swadeshi is a spirit in us that restricts us to the use and service of our own immediate surroundings to the exclusion of more remote (I restrict myself to ancestral religion, in defective also it’s not good we have to purge it).
Sarvodaya:- Swaraj also means Sarvodaya. Sarvodaya means welfare of all. Gandhi's social theory of Sarvodaya originated with the self-realization of one and all. In this Gandhi is saying that we have to come out from vested feelings.
Satyagraha: It also means the function of suffering in creating a moral community.
Suffering is the Dynamics of Human love. Love doesn’t burn others it burns itself. Suffering is a program of transformation of relationships. Fasting as a protest against injustice awakens the sleeping conscience either loved ones of society or the ruler of society.
(How other people view me is the production self. “Me” is socially constructed and produced where “I” is unpredictable element………… {ME + I= Self}.)

అక్షర ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 
Energy Enjoy Entity


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