🙂Love Letter 💌

My Dear favorite people, 

My thoughts are in very vague state. With some intense enthusiasm I am writing this email, It is slightly associated with some small strong transcendental empirical feelings by thinking/feeling about you all. I feel very happy by think about you and your memories. Now I am not able to imagine my APU life without you all and your memories. 

Some parts of my heart is filled with your memories, through some awesome empirical past experiences from you all. It is some kind of amazing feeling for me. I have some special interest ( a feeling of learning from you) on you all.  

I don't know about this vague state of thoughts and it's time period, but I want to name this relation as LOVE in FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP. 

I don't know why, but I am interested in sharing this with you. I Love You, Based on my past experiences I am sharing this, not by thinking/imaging about future.

NOTE: Be Careful
Lovely past memorable times in our life will not return back forever, but those missing memories will in heart forever.
Nothing is Permanent in this world, I think only change is constant. 
I am also not against to this law of the nature, my feelings are also not permanent. 
I am sharing my past/present feeling not future assumptions. 
I am believing the change and its process: AND trying to accept the change and its process. 

Today is all fools day, In the name of LOVE in FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP I am sharing this with some enthusiasm, I don't know the reality, Don't be the fool, by just believing this. Be skeptical and critical respond to yourself first. 
Sorry for wasting your time

Respect, Love & Hope 
A.N. Bharghava Shyam
In the process of changing & learning

I am not the "Best" and also I am not the "Least", I am very special like you all
My Life is made up of mistakes, changes and learnings; "This will change"
{Everything in this world is optional, not compulsary}

Energy Enjoy Entity
అమృత ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 


  1. Hey Naga,

    First of all, it is so lovely of you that you have mailed us your genuine feelings and second at least for me you are not wasting my time. Now, I want to say much more than I can write in this mail, you are a pious-heart person, I admire your personality and the being you are deeply touched my heart. Thank you so much for existing.

    P.S. I always 'be' and 'want' to be in touch with you.

    Your friend,

  2. Once the relationship built between the persons. If the relationship is valid enough.................. then it will make alive the persons ever and forever. we may not get back those days which are best memories between us, but we can remember those memories throughout the life which give us more happiness than everything.

    You are the most innocent friend of mine, You will always have a special recognition and space in my heart.
    I pray to god to make our relationship as an eternal relationship. Hope you will lead a good life and you will achieve good ends in your life which makes me proud of you.

    I'm promising you I will be always with you ever and forever in your happiness and in your pain. I will take apart to be one of your strengths to overcome your struggles and achieve your expected goals.

    "Be happy forever and make others happy as much as you can"

    Your's well-wisher,

  3. Thats such a lovely gesture Naga. Thanks for your selfless love towards all of us. You, as I always say, is the bond that tied the class together. I personally have learnt a lot from you if I reflect back. Thanks for being you Naga! And please stay the way you are always.
    We all love you too for who you are. Keep smiling. 😊


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