Discussion on Racism

Heena Parveen:
Every human life matters Either white or Black...

Bharghav (Me): 
Happy that India doesn't have Racism. 

Till now I didn't see or read about racism in India.

Shailendra Rai : 
(On my Statement): Racism and prejudice is very deep-rooted in India brother. Since you can't see that itself a very huge problem.
Whether people don't see or just accept it and normalize it.
What makes racism even worse is that a lot of people don't recognize it.
Racism starts with "Till now I didn't see or read about racism " which ultimately ends up killing someone.

Me : Shailendra, in Sociological perceptive, In India, I felt that there is no racism in India.
With the tag of race, we are not killing the people. But Yes, it's philosophically and dynamically interrelated to each other. I also regretting for prejudice and killings among people.

Lalitha Ragunath: (On my Statement)
Actually ask us! We the madarasis!
Ask my frnd pem- from North East india!
V forget to identify the racist comments!
Ask me- how mean I was to call someone blacky. It might be for fun! But I did that. I was a racist. Atleast unconsciously...
We all were racist at some point of time! Only thing is we never realized it!!
India has a lot of racism Naga!

Divya Jain :
Hi Naga, I think first we need to see what do you or I understand by Racism? For me it is the act of prejudice/ discrimination and violence towards a different race than mine with the reason only being that they belong to a different race. If I may ask, what it is for you?

It might be possible that you grew up in a family and environment where they didnt teach you to discriminate based on people's colour but believe me a lot of us in North are raised in a way where everybody who is dark and speaks a different language is a Madrasi, anybody with Mongolian features is a 'Cheeni' or 'Chinki' and anybody who is dark and has braids in their hair is 'Negro'. With all these terms we learn the othering, prejuidice and eventually the discrimination.

Quopah Kshing
Naga you can start by watching the fair and lovely ad that is broadcasted more than thousand times on indian 📺 and contemplate, introspect and retrospect your thought. These is just one examples of the many.
Gud day Naga 😁 

Me: With my Ego-Centric Experiences I said that. Thank you guys, For giving this awareness

అక్షర ఆనంద అస్తిత్వం 
Energy Enjoy Entity


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