
Showing posts from April, 2016

“Rabindranath Tagore on Education”- My Notes

“Rabindranath Tagore on Education” Tagore is a poet having artistic mind. Tagore main points on child & education 1) Nature is the best teacher 2) Adults has driven by profit and purpose 3) We are treating children as Mini Adults 4) Power without truth is dangerous (it will corrupt) 5) Objective of education is to awake sensibility (Self Knowledge) 6) Learning should be authentic 7) Education is preparing for completion of life through honest, creativity, hard work & etc. (Told by KaliDas) 8) We should not teach children directly but we to create an environment to study 9) Sense of belongingness & authorship 10) A child is a flower it always wants to be open, it wants surprises 11) Adult is fruit means close-minded Thoughts of Education: - (Principles of Pedagogy to educate) 1) Freedom of Mind:- The ability to arrive at an independent decision 2) Freedom of Heart:- Become creative in your relations without world 3) Freedom of will:- Authentic goals & aspirations Pure co

Notes on “Aurobindo's Education”

“Aurobindo on Education” The ultimate divine manhood is paramardha (పరమార్థ) & Purushardha (పురుషార్థ).  Nature of its own and a law of nature is Swabhava (స్వభావ) & Swadharma (స్వధర్మ) and embodied. The Human Mind:  Human Mind is a wood or stone to sculpt. It is a sensitive organism which can’t be force to get shape. Eyes, ears. Kidney Heart & every part in our human body (except mind) is following their rules. Mind is also a body part it can also work according to time. No teaching is necessary for this. It all will follow their swadharma. Tree Principles of Human Mind:- 1) True teaching is can’t be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or task master, he is just a helper or guide.  2) Mind has to be consulted in its own growth. The idea of hammering the child is a ignorant superstition. 3) Education is to work from near to far The Power of Mind:   The instrument of educationalist is Mind or AnthahaKarana (అంతఃకరణ). Which has four layers  1) Manas- Sensory data 2) Chit