
Showing posts from May, 2020

Mallik Parichuri

01 May 2021   Dr. Aparna Pinni: Mallik Paruchuri Video Shared on WhatsApp ---------- Vamsi Babai: Hi Akka seen end to end Is it logical, Is his explanation correct. Dr.Aparna Pinni:  Its appearing logical theoretically. With a Perfect sense. But in practical situation how each patient behaves will not be according to research papers or text book descriptions. So I am also waiting to hear from my friends who are dealing with cases on day to day basis Dr.Tejaswi Pinni:  Hi akka doctors are risking their own life and their families for treating patients please don't forward such messages and make every one more confused Dr.Aparna Pinni:  @Teja, this being discussed in one of our doctors friends group only Posted by a very senior physician Dr.Teja Pinni: Let this man come forward and work in Covid ICU. Vamsi Babai:  His view might be wrong on whats happening at ground. I am not concerned about what he says about how doctors are currently treating. I am concerned about what he says to