
Showing posts from February, 2016

Notes on Book Pluralist Society- A Gandhian Perceptive: - {George Pattery}”

My Notes on “Pluralist Society- A Gandhian Perceptive: - {George Pattery}” Indian Society:- India was viewed by these two issues 1) Caste Based:- Brahminical Hierarchy based on caste system 2) Religion Based:- Eternal conflicts between Hindus & Muslims. {Both are fabricated by the west} When India is struggling with these two master narratives they (British) are silent. (Both are creations of West only) Now a day’s political agenda can’t get beyond these stereotyped understandings. It is relegating all other agencies to backward. Community as a Sociological Perceptive:- A constructed or imagined society consists of members who don’t know each other in their concrete existence, they demand allegiance from people. & In Traditional societies, communities with multiple levels of relationships and moral agencies exist. Gandhian Social Theory:- Gandhian social vision can be seen as one such primordial model for taking care of plural identities. The Development of social theory had t